Search Results for: cio

USDA soliciting nominations for National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is soliciting nominations for membership to fill 16 vacancies on the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). NACMCF is seeking members with scientific expertise in the fields of epidemiology, food technology, microbiology (food, clinical, and predictive), toxicology, risk assessment, infectious disease, biostatistics, and other related sciences.Read… Read more »

Outraged by the GSA spending scandal? Insights from a former GSA Commissioner

The DorobekINSIDER Issue of the Week: The Washington Post has declared that GSA clearly had the worst week in Washington. This week, GSA administrator Martha Johnson resigned amid allegations of excessive spending at a conference. GSA Inspector General Brian Miller issued a report detailing contracting irregularities and excessive spending after a Las Vegas conference. TheRead… Read more »

Beautiful Maps – Google Maps in Water Colours

You know, really never know what the web is going to throw at you next. The great people over at Stamen Design (if you’ve never heard of Stamen you are really missing out – they are probably the best data visualization company I know) have created a watercolor version of Google Maps. Why? Because theyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Weekly Round-up: April 06, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Users and Mobility. Alice Lipowicz has two articles up on FCW about mobility, one outlining how the FAA asked its employees how they would use mobile tech on the job, the other covering Anil Karmel’s FOSE keynote (and other events) that showed the government is trying to think more about the mobile infrastructureRead… Read more »

Stop the Insanity

Einstein’s ubiquitous quote about the definition of insanity as “doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result,” is so widely used because we see this behavior all the time, particularly in election season. Armed with enthusiasm and often more money than sense, candidates dutifully make the rounds telling crowds what everyoneRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Government Communications

I just watched a video from GovDelivery client Ann Marie Felicio, Public Affairs Specialist at Tricare. Ann Marie explains some of the benefits of GovDelivery and their products and services. There are a lot of interesting take-aways from the video, and it is interesting to consider how technology is helping to leverage efficiencies how agenciesRead… Read more »

Using BHAG’s to Change Organizations: A Management, Open Data & Government Mashup

I’m a big believer in the ancillary benefits of a single big goal. Set a goal that has one clear objective, but as a result a bunch of other things have to change as well. So one of my favourite Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) for an organization is to go paperless. I like theRead… Read more »

FOSE: Create a successful records management strategy for your organization

How well is your records information management (RIM) program performing? Diane Carlisle of ARMA and William Neale of Information Management Consultants explored answers to this question during a panel discussion at this year’s FOSE Conference & Expo. Information governance is one of the topics that is often top of mind for today’s CIOs and CEOs,Read… Read more »

Enterprise Value for IT in the “New Normal” Government – Optimize and Consolidate ?

I had the pleasure of spending several days with gifted CIOs from counties across the U.S. at the National Association of Counties Conference in Washington, D.C. While budgetary constraints seemed to be on everyone’s mind, there was also the notion of change on the horizon. Change that could really help counties become more efficient andRead… Read more »