Search Results for: Employee Recognition

The 5 Most Unforgettable Blogs by Government Agencies

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the “death of blogging” or about its already-in-progress resurrection. Yet a stroll around the blogosphere reveals a lively culture of content creation and sharing that seems untouched by any death throes. Blogging started as—and often, at its best, continues to be—an online personal journal perfect for oversharing. So, one might not think thatRead… Read more »

It’s an Honor Just to Be Nominated – Really!

“It was an honor just to be nominated,” is the phrase you hear from pretty much every loser of an award ever. But here’s the thing. While the phrase might seem trite, the sentiment is almost universally true. The reason the sentiment rings true is because by being nominated means someone, somewhere thought you didRead… Read more »

The Gift of Dyslexia

Today I am a successful leadership writer, coach, and speaker, but it hasn’t always been that way. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest in the 1960’s. When my early teachers found that I could not read, I was labeled retarded and segregated from the rest of the class. So, until I was ten yearsRead… Read more »

10 Tips for Leadership

Have no illusions: being a good leader takes work. Even if you are a “born leader” you must continually work and learn to remain at the top of your game. The below tips are not intended to be a cure-all for poor leadership or an unwillingness to learn, but a starting point for aspiring goodRead… Read more »

Improving Morale in Gov? Not Impossible

Earlier this month, the annual Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings were released by the Partnership for Public Service, based on data from OPM’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. NASA was rated the best large agency to work for, FDIC was chosen as the best mid-sized agency, and the Surface Transportation board comesRead… Read more »

3 Best Practices for Securing Confidential Data

With organizations creating more documents and data by the minute, it’s essential now more than ever before that agencies look at how to protect all of their information. That’s why many agency leaders are now exploring Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions. DLP helps organizations discover, monitor, protect and manage information, particularly sensitive data, wherever itRead… Read more »

Calling All Writers: Be a GovLoop Featured Blogger!

The applications are now closed – thanks for you interest! If you want to apply later on, we’ll be doing another featured blogger round at the end of March 2015. At GovLoop, we pride ourselves on our community. There are over 150,000 of you — government employees, industry partners, and knowledge experts — who areRead… Read more »

Bump up Engagement to Bump up Leadership

It’s a bold new world for today’s federal leaders. Sitting in your office and shouting out edicts to your employees won’t cut it. Particularly with millennials, substantive employee engagement is absolutely necessary for successful leadership. This is true from the critical time of onboarding for a new hire through to an employee’s ongoing employment, developmentRead… Read more »