Search Results for: personal brand

What Saves Us

“Life sucks and then you die” was a popular saying when I was younger, and from what I can tell that saying still holds true today. My father-in-law, may he rest in peace, used to put it this way: “The chances are only one in a million of something going wrong, but then again thereRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Dynamic Duo of Virtual Training

As part of today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, GovLoop President and Founder Steve Ressler and GovLoop Vice President of Learning and Development Andrew Krzmarzick sat down for a Q&A to answer all your virtual training questions. Q. How did GovLoop get started in virtual training?  Steve: More than six year ago, GovLoop started out with the visionRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Leverage Digital Communications for Increased Public Engagement

Originally posted on the GovDelivery blog. “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress…” – Kofi Annan As a government agency, your job begins and ends with being a purveyor of knowledge for the audience you serve. From informing the public about a disease outbreak, weather emergency, a newly enacted law, orRead… Read more »

The Digital Transformation of Organizational Functions

No one would argue with the notion that social and digital technologies are having a significant – and sometimes dramatic – impact on societies and economies. And though most people may not yet refer to this as the Digital Age or Era, they would likely concede that we are indeed transitioning away from a worldRead… Read more »

Do Government Employees Have Freedom Of Speech?

Ran across this comment I posted to GovLoop on April 22, 2013, that was picked up by the Washington Post with a mention. Nearly two years later the principles still hold up pretty well.  It’s a free country, everybody has freedom of speech, and it is statistically impossible that you will agree with every singleRead… Read more »

Synchronize Email With Your Other Marketing Channels

While email continues to rule the digital communication space [ADD STATISTIC HERE], marketers cannot afford to ignore the growing popularity of social channels as an opportunity to further the connection with their audience. Learn how to use other communication channels to increase your email reach and vice-versa.

Career Advice for a PR Grad

General advice: Internships matter more than school Networking – meet and connect with as many people as you can, personally and professionally. Also mentors – reach out and ask! Be specific about what you want. Help other people – professors, students, maybe a local organization that needs support Reference letters – collect them from everyoneRead… Read more »