Search Results for: cio

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary?

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary? That’s the questions being posed by some state and local governments who are looking for ways to cut budgets and save costs. Hord Tipton is the executive director at ISC2. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER show that the CSIO’s duties are in large part beingRead… Read more »

United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology

The United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology does not exist, yet. But a growing group of national security and technology thinkers are considering the pros and cons of a Joint Committee like this and with this post I would like to encourage you to think through the concept yourself. First, some backgroundRead… Read more »

#LocalGov #Content Strategy Group now live on Knowledge Hub

Back in January at UKGC12 Sarah Lay and I said we would create an online community space for those interested in Content Strategy for people in and around government. It has taken some time, for which we make no excuses other than we have been reflecting on which platform to use to best suit theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Some upcoming talks

Sorry for the lack of posts this week – just some calm before gathering storm. April and May are going to be intense. For those interested in these things I’ve a number of upcoming talks I’ll be giving and and conferences I’ll be attending. Many of these are open to the public in case youRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to findRead… Read more »

5 Options for Curating Online Content

Curation is an answer to the problem of information overload. There’s so much stuff online these days – how do you read it all? Or rather, how do you decide what’s worth your attention? A way for an individual or organisation to build a community or network digitally is to become a trusted curator –Read… Read more »

How do you attract participation at D&D events?

One of our members, Larry Schooler, began a great conversation on the NCDD Discussion list this morning by asking simply “How do you attract participation at in-person dialogue and deliberation events? What works?” We’ve already gotten a slew of thoughtful responses on the listserv, and I’m going to be sharing them via the comments belowRead… Read more »

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work by GovLoop Insights Happy Wednesday March 21st 2012… So much to get to today!!! Happy Wednesday… SO much to get to today. On Tuesday, the House Republicans unveiled their version of the fiscal 2013 budget. There is a lot of stuff in there, as you might imagine.Read… Read more »

“Make It So!”

A previous post, “Putting Commercial Back in Commercial Item Contracting,” lead to an interview Monday afternoon with host Francis Rose on Federal News Radio’s “In-Depth.” During the course of the interview Francis asked if I had seen changes in behavior as a result of the Administration’s “Myth-Busters” campaign. I responded by citing GSA’s willingness toRead… Read more »