Search Results for: research

8 Habits of Effective Government Managers

Over the weekend, I was reading a New York Times piece that highlighted Google’s 8 Habits of Effective Members (aka their Quest to Build a Better Boss). It was a fascinating article that synthesized a lot of research Google’s People team had done, analyzing their own internal data on what makes an effective manager. GovernmentRead… Read more »

The Customer Service Citizens Want

Ontario Canada has implemented a Lean initiative to improve how government services are provided. I recently obtained a copy of a PowerPoint presentation by Art Daniels, which contains some great information about the implementation of Lean in Ontario. Mr. Daniels has over 40 years of experience in leading change initiatives as a Canadian government officialRead… Read more »

Lesson in Longevity

This morning, the Fellows discussed how applications we develop this year could be sustained after our fellowship period is over, as well as the challenges we might face in opening data sources from our partner cities and municipalities. Since our time as fellows is a short 11 months, we must be cognizant of how ourRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Running an Intelligent Government to Empower Citizens- Virtual Summit

Organizations are creating, storing, and managing more data than ever before. At the same time, over the last few years there has been a huge push for more transparency, collaboration and accountability in the public sector. In the mobile era citizens expect government to meet them in the middle by providing relevant public information anytime,Read… Read more »

01.30.13 Your Morning Buzz

Digital Shorts Return to Saturday Night Live With “YOLO” ELGL News and Notes Join ELGL: Students (free), individuals ($20), and organizations ($250) Newest Members: Franziska Edwards, City of Beaverton, Project Specialist Fern Elledge, Portland State University, MPA Student Upcoming Forums: February 6: ELGL forum with Mark Zusman, Willamette Week Editor The High Five 5 WaysRead… Read more »

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The Washington Post Debuts A Real-Time Political Lie-Detector Prototype Named “Truth Teller”

Lewis Shepherd (Reston, VA) — I like writing about cool applications of technology that are so pregnant with the promise of the future, that they have to be seen to be believed, and here’s another one that’s almost ready for prime time. The Washington Post today launched an exciting new technology prototype invoking powerful newRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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We the People vs the Original One Percent

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,” but what happens thereafter is subject to circumstance. When it comes to the concept of the “One Percent,” which emerged in the collective consciousness out of the Occupy Movement, perhaps for the words “all men” and “equal” are nuanced terms. In theRead… Read more »

Eight business models for government open data

Alex Howard has written an excellent article over at the O’Reilly Radar listing eight business models for government open data, a handy list for those in government agencies attempting to justify to senior management or Ministers why releasing government data is important and valuable. The models listed in Alex’s article, Open data economy: Eight businessRead… Read more »

Join Our Study: Staying Secure with BYOD

Join Our Research Study: Staying Secure with BYOD The GovLoop team needs your help. We are currently working on a report, Staying Secure with BYOD. As you all know, BYOD continues to shape the government workforce. Like any new technology initiative, one of the core concerns about implementation surrounds security. Today, technology exists to allowRead… Read more »

29 Jan CTOvision Podcast

By RyanKamauff Today’s podcast features Daniel Mintz. Daniel Mintz is the Principal and Founder of ESEM Consulting and former CIO of the Department of Transportation. He is a lifelong technologist and avid Washington Capitals fan. We discussed the following stories: DOD, VA improve eBenefits portal Government Appetite Growing for Twitter User Data 86,800 network printersRead… Read more »

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