Search Results for: research

Weekly Round-up: January 25, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Updates: QR codes update: NFC? Mood ring update: Google? Paying-for-content on Open Government update: Free? Outsourcing update: Crowdsourcing? Social Media update: Pinterest? And a question: did signatories of ePeitions know that their data could be crunched like this? Dan Chenok What can government learn from the private sector about how to harness innovation?Read… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »

Tips for Fixing the Family Business

One of my first jobs after coming back from the United States Marines Corps was an inside sales job, downtown in a family-owned men’s clothing store. I had no preconceived notions. In fact, I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted to earn money and I was determined to do my best. However, it didRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Part III: A Passion for Public Service with Rafael Baptista

Part I and Part II – A Passion for Public Service with Rafael Baptista Submit In an evening in late December, I finally pushed the “Submit” button of the last of my applications for a Fall MPA (or, in one case, MBA/MPA) program. This single gesture capped months of preparation and hard work: from onlineRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

10 Parallels Between the US and UK Digital Government Strategy

Post Highlights Overview of the UK Digital Strategy Comparison of the UK and US Digital Government Strategies What lessons learned and parallels can we find from the UK & US? In November of last year, the UK Government released their Digital Government Strategy. As a lot of attention here in the states has been placedRead… Read more »

Local Governments Need Goals, As What Gets Measured Gets Done

With a New Year upon us, many people will resolve to make improvements in their lives as far as exercise, diet, relationships, and career. Successful people set goals and track their progress in achieving them. Successful organizations also set goals and track their progress in achieving them. As the old saying goes, “What gets measuredRead… Read more »

GovLoop Gets a New Coat of Paint!

Well, it’s that time again. New Year, New President (sort of…), New Resolutions, New GovLoop. For those that remember, it was just about a year ago this week that we rolled out a whole bunch of new changes to the site at the beginning of 2012. We put a lot of effort into building outRead… Read more »

Big Data: A Big Problem That’s Getting Bigger

Big Data is a word that’s being thrown around a lot recently. It’s a new term for an old problem; having too much data. Not an overly complicated issue to grasp, albeit the solution to the problem is a much more complicated one. With the federal Big Data market being estimated at $4.9 billion, governmentRead… Read more »

5 Questions to Ask for Analytics Initiatives

Post Highlights Overview of 5 questions to ask for an analytics initiative Post provides steps to think through for analytics initiatives Analytics continues to transform the way government delivers services. Undoubtedly, analytics is transforming the way government operates and delivers services to customers. At all levels of government, agencies are now challenged to reduce costs,Read… Read more »

Creating Dual Operating Systems

Harvard business sage John Kotter writes “We can’t keep up with the pace of change, let alone get ahead of it.” He says the historical success of hierarchical structures “can’t handle the challenges of mounting complexity and rapid change.” Large companies (and governments) cannot ignore the daily demands of running large enterprises that depend onRead… Read more »