Search Results for: cio

Dialogue facilitators needed for an NSF research project in April

This message from NCDD member Tom Murray came my way tonight. Sounds like an interesting opportunity! – Sandy We are looking for people who have some experience in dialogue facilitation and/or dispute mediation to facilitate online discussions during the first half of April. You will receive a modest stipend of $600 for helping us. NoRead… Read more »

Opportunity to apply for Bush Fellowships

Just saw a tweet about these Bush Fellowships with the Bush Foundation, and wanted to encourage some NCDDers to apply! The Foundation was established in 1953 by 3M executive Archibald Bush and his wife, Edyth, and its mission is “to be a catalyst for the courageous leadership necessary to create sustainable solutions to tough publicRead… Read more »

An Update On FOSE (Including discount code for conference registration)

FOSE is shaping up to be the event to be at for 2012. Here are two really interesting activities I think you will want to see: -Steven VanRoekel, CIO of the United States, has been added as a keynote speaker on Tuesday, April 3 at 8:45am: Steven VanRoekel -As part of the Mobile Government Conference,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Google Apps for Gov – Case Studies

Everyone benefits from cloud computing, though few stand to benefit more than government. The cloud helps agencies at all levels increase productivity, cut costs, keep pace with technology innovation, and become more open and transparent with their citizens.   Case Studies The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is moving its 25,000 employees, contractors and associatesRead… Read more »

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Devon’s Content Strategy

In previous posts I’ve talked about developing a content strategy for the council and shared my thoughts on what it might include, i’ve shared an example of how its already informing our development as well as sharing my thinking on the kind of support I believe web teams and local government in general need toRead… Read more »

Doing better with less with Code for America, Crafting your Innovator DNA and Measuring Metrics

Doing better with less with Code for America, Crafting your Innovator DNA and Measuring Metrics by GovLoop Insights On today’s program… Doing more with less… how about doing more and better with less. That may be possible. And we’ll blow your socks off. We’re going to talk to a person that Government Technology billed atRead… Read more »

How Do You Protect Against Cyber Threats?

Cyber threats continue to rise for the federal government. As potential attackers develop new ways to inflict infrastructure and federal systems, security professionals need to continue to stay one step ahead of the attackers. With increasing uses of cloud and collaborative technologies, new interconnected systems provide a fertile ground for potential attackers. With government officialsRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Agenda Setting Access

In principle, if we are a group of relative equals, deciding how we are going to spend our time together should be a group decision, or at least the group should decide the agenda-setting process. Further, every group member should understand the agenda-setting process and have access to it. In many groups, agenda setting isRead… Read more »

Preventing The Miserable Workplace

Have you ever voted with your feet? Voting with your feet means you’ve left a job because you were absolutely miserable doing the work. You weren’t challenged by the work, you felt you were just a cog in a wheel, and no one really knew you for who you were, just the jobs that youRead… Read more »