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6 Books for Your Summer Reading List – What Did We Miss?

With temperatures reaching 90 degrees this week, one thing is clear, summer is here. But instead of heading to the beach with your favorite romance novel or spy thriller, Tom Fox has some suggestions that might just help you do your job better. Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the PartnershipRead… Read more »

GSA unveils governmentwide MDM program, Signature-based endpoint security on its way out and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. GSA unveils governmentwide MDM program – “The General Services Administration launched May 30 the new governmentwide Mobile Device Management Program that aims to streamline the procurement process for agencies to access mobile solutions.” This will provide a unified platform and oversightRead… Read more »

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The Mobile Internet: You won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is

By Bob Gourley Every year Mary Meeker does the tech and business community a great service by researching, analyzing and reporting on the State of the Internet. Her latest presentation is embedded below in slideshare format and is also available at this link. KPCB Internet Trends 2013 from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers This isRead… Read more »

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Google Creates 30 Year Timelapse of Environmental Changes on Earth

One of my favorite sites to read is The Atlantic Cities, I always seem to find interesting stories and insights on innovative public sector programs. One story that caught my eye was “A Terrifying, Fascinating Timelapse of 30 Years of Human Impact on Earth.”(Go here to see the Timelapse Project, it’s absolutely fascinating.) In thisRead… Read more »

Apple announces new $229 16GB iPod touch: 4-inch Retina display, no rear-facing camera, CyanogenMod may offer a “heavily privacy-focused” version and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top mobile news and stories of the day. Apple announces new $229 16GB iPod touch: 4-inch Retina display, no rear-facing camera – Apple has announced their latest iPod Touch offering. The iPod touch was a huge seller at first, because it allowed people to get into iOS in aRead… Read more »

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3 Trends That May Change How You Work This Year

The tornados in Oklahoma and the bombings in Boston showed the true power of state, local and city government employees. Part of the reason they were able to be as effective and efficient as they were was due to the technology at their disposal. Big data, cloud computing, BYOD and mobile all played a roleRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Adoption

Mobile in government continues to be one of the most pertinent topics facing public sector administrators. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports, “As of December 2012, 87% of American adults have a cell phone, and 45% have a smartphone. As of January 2013, 26% of American adults own an e-book reader, and 31%Read… Read more »

Meet the Bug Guy Who Is Saving Lives – SAMMIES Finalist

The Service to America Medals are like the Oscars for Federal Employees. Each year the Partnership for Public Service honors feds who do amazing work in seven different catorgories. You can see all the nominees here. All summer long the DorobekINSIDER will be interviewing the finalists. First up is Kenneth Linthicum, the Director of theRead… Read more »

Govies Deserve Good Customer Service Too!

We’ve all heard the refrain about how government needs to be better at customer service. We’ve heard the horror stories from the DMV and IRS filings gone amuck. But David Hebert says in order for government to be a great provider of customer service to the public it first has to have good internal customerRead… Read more »

Worldwide Server Shipments Decline: US Market Strong (what does that tell you?)

By Bob Gourley Gartner just released their overview of the worldwide server market reporting that worldwide server shipments declined a surprising .7 percent year on year, while revenue declined 5 percent from the first quarter of 2012. Their report is available here. Key points: “The first quarter of 2013 was certainly not a strong periodRead… Read more »

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