Search Results for: cio

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer by GovLoop Insights So… day two of GovLoop Insight’s DorobekINSIDER. Thanks so much for being here. Here is what we have for you today… * We all remember tag — we all played it as kids. But whatRead… Read more »

Smokers Wanted. Lit: A mobile game for smoking reduction

If you’ve ever smoked, and tried to quit, chances are you know how much fun quitting, and quit attempts, aren’t. The cravings, the mood swings, the weight gain – ugh! What if quitting smoking was fun instead? Funded by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Program grant, Lit2Quit is a mobile game that aims toRead… Read more »

The Politically Proficient Project Manager

If you are a project manager, you will have to deal with organizational politics in virtually every part of your work. Whether it’s trying to attract a sponsor, grab a star performer for your project team, or compete with another project manager for scarce resources, every decision you make will have a political impact. IfRead… Read more »

Let’s Hack

In just under two weeks will celebrate its one year anniversary. This will also mark the period that the pilot project is officially supposed to end. Looking at three things stand out. First, the license has improved a great deal since its launch. Second, a LOT of data has been added to theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Top 10 Tech Jobs – Week of 3/4

Every week I curate the top 10 new federal IT jobs at Here is the top 10 including Deputy CIO at Nat’l Labor Relations Board 02/29/12 Information Technology Project Manager Goddard Space Flight Center Prince George’s County, Maryland 02/29/12 Information Technology Specialist, GS-2210-12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hyattsville, Maryland 02/29/12 Supervisory ITRead… Read more »

This Week in Computer Security

Anonymous Arrests, NASA hacks, and more this week Linode Hacked, Bitcoins Stolen:, popular provider of virtual private servers (VPS) systems responded to a morning breach of it’s control panel software, which apparently enabled a malicious attacker to gain control over several virtual servers of a bitcoin service named Bitcoinica. The Register has a conflictingRead… Read more »

Diversity Matters to the Mission State Department veterans remember when the best way to describe their colleagues was “pale, male and Yale.” It wasn’t just State. At most federal departments, at the professional and managerial ranks, you found white men with similar backgrounds. Diversifying – employment, business ownership, contracting, college enrollment – as a movement followed the civil rightsRead… Read more »

Location Data and Mobile Device Threats

Threatpost reports that cell users just got that more vulnerable to attackers: [T]here is enough information leaked from the lower layers of the GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications] communication stack to permit attackers to perform what they call “location tests” on targeted devices. “Cell phone towers have to track cell phone subscribers to provideRead… Read more »

The Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act: Yes? No? Maybe?

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE March 1, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, Executive Director, NACBHDD 0 Comments | Share | Print Will social justice prevail in the Supreme Court decision? On a long flight from Frankfurt, Germany, to Washington, DC, in the brilliant sunlight of a late winter’s day, I had the opportunity to reflect on the upcoming USRead… Read more »

Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right 2

By: Andreas Muno In the last post, we discussed how Government/Public Sector enterprises are the laggards in the mobility race. This week we’ll take a further look at some of the challenges that come from lagging behind and some of the benefits that come from embracing mobility. Security Agencies often try to prevent data leakageRead… Read more »