Search Results for: CIO conversations

Social media monitoring is critical for government operations

As Congress goes about grilling Homeland Security over the department’s monitoring of social media—as it did in a hearing last week—a more fulsome understanding of the benefits of social media monitoring and analysis is needed. The value of social media monitoring extends far beyond the important but niche domain of monitoring terrorist chatter online. RatherRead… Read more »

The Fourth Gate in the Pipeline: Managing a Function

Managers who manage managers have hopefully learned the skills necessary to manage themselves, to manage others, and to manager managers. They’ve picked up skill sets in coaching, setting and communicating clear goals, listening, monitoring, rewarding, empowering subordinates and others. Once they’ve mastered these basics, they may be ready to move on to managing a function.Read… Read more »

GroupWorks Pattern Language card deck available now

A BIG breakthrough for all group process folks… For almost 5 years I’ve been involved with envisioning and creating a “pattern language” for group process. (A pattern language is a set of design factors to guide people in creating things that are wholesome and life-giving – vibrant communities, effective curricula, engaging software… and great conversations.)Read… Read more »

Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors and Healing Guides: Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting

Hi, Here’s a Workplace Griefbusting program I’ve just developed, a spinoff from the original essay – Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors and Healing Guides: Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting The essay and program were partly inspired by recent Critical Incident-Grief Intervention Consulting after a popular employee died in aRead… Read more »

Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors and Healing Guides: Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting

[If you do not wish to receive my free mailings, email [email protected] ] Hi, Here’s a Workplace Griefbusting program I’ve just developed, a spinoff from the original essay – Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors and Healing Guides: Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting The essay and program were partly inspiredRead… Read more »

Big breakthroughs in community engagement about Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Here’s a submission from the lovely and tireless Rachel Eryn Kalish, NCDD supporting member and Founding Principal of Workplace Connections… Community engagement these days–about almost anything–is often intense, with more heat than light as a result. When it comes to talking about Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian situation, that heat can burn up even the mostRead… Read more »

How should agencies moderate their online channels?

While government agencies often have limited options in the approaches they choose to use for moderating third-party social media channels, there’s a number of ways they can choose to moderate channels under their control, including blogs, forums and wikis. There’s limited official guidance, and no real mandates or instructions for particular moderation approaches available acrossRead… Read more »

Key Strategies for Successful Online Deliberation and Collaboration

In the United States we have witnessed in recent years a growing interest among leaders at all levels of government in employing online tools for deliberation and collaboration. These tools certainly do not offer all the benefits of face to face dialogue, and substantial sectors of any given community face significant obstacles to interacting online.Read… Read more »

What a Twitter map can and cannot tell: The Gates Foundation Twitter network

The Twitter network below was created by Marc Smith, Social Media Research Foundation. He used it in a recent workshop on Social Media Network Analysis that I organized here at Syracuse University on January 19-20. I picked it up and posted it here on my Social Media in the Public Sector blog, because it relatesRead… Read more »

What Kind of Online Community Do You Have Behind Your Firewall?

As CIOs and Chief Knowledge Officers bring tools that have been used on the Internet – blogs, wikis, microblogs, profiles – behind the firewall, they tend to expect the same results. “We’ll have our own Wikipedia!” Or Facebook…or Twitter – you name it. Unfortunately, as many have already discovered and many more will continue toRead… Read more »