Search Results for: Employee Recognition

Federal HR Performance Management – A Way Out of the Abyss

If you oversee the human resource (HR) group of a federal agency or are heavily involved with HR performance management for an agency, you can be forgiven if it sometimes feels as if you’re stuck in the 20th century with no way out. Ingrained Federal Performance Management Problems Here are just a few of theRead… Read more »

What Baseball Taught Me About Appreciation

It is unanimously accepted in effective employee motivation space that managers who positively reinforce their employees drive high levels of engagement. Unfortunately, much of the positive feedback employees receive is simply recognition for a job well done. While recognition has its place in the workplace, appreciation has much greater impact on job performance. Our country’sRead… Read more »

How to Create an Internal Innovation Strategy

There has been a lot of focus on external innovation but what about creating an organization that is consistently innovative internally. This requires that leadership put in place an innovation strategy. Like many leadership initiatives, innovation requires persistency, advocacy and a culture to support it. Throw in technology and you have what I have dubbedRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Help Your Overworked Team

Especially in government, we constantly talk about doing more with less. But most often, those conversations focus on physical resources like office supplies, amenities, or space. And when we do think about the human element, it’s often in detached terms like ‘labor hours’ or ‘workforce supply’. However, if you manage an overburdened team, you areRead… Read more »

Rating Training: The How-To of What Not to Do

We know training is important to both organizations and employees, yet it is often seen by workers and supervisors as extra work of no real value. It interrupts the workflow. It is the immediate tangible evaluations are the most important. The effectiveness of training should matter. That’s what we tell ourselves and, yet, we hand out trainer and trainingRead… Read more »

And the Federal Oscar Goes To…

It’s time to roll out the red carpet, put on your black tie, and say thank you to your public servants. It’s time for the Oscars for federal employees – aka the Service to America Medals (the Sammies for short). The event hosts its annual awards ceremony this evening. Every year the Partnership for PublicRead… Read more »

September is a Great Time to Update Your Resume

Here are 3 reasons why September is a good time to update your resume! Its nearly time for your annual performance review and you want to position yourself or a raise. One of your contacts approaches you with a great job opportunity and needs your resume, now! You learn that your job is in theRead… Read more »

Fixing USAJobs, Comments Abound

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures isRead… Read more »

Army Tries to Solve Supply Chain Management Problems with Mobile

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The federal government procurement process has followed the same formula for decades with little adapting to the face-paced, technological demands of today. What does this lack of change mean for the future of the procurement system? A major overhaul, minor tweaking, or staying with the status quo? We discuss a newRead… Read more »

Duo of Doctors Heal Veterans

Duos Come in all forms and across all trades. Batman and Robin. Simon and Garfunkle. Ben and Jerry. Mork and Mindy. Lewis and Clark. Bert and Ernie. Bauman and Spungen. Haven’t heard of the last duo? Well under their leadership the two doctors have collaborated to study medical consequences of spin cord injuries for overRead… Read more »