Search Results for: personal brand

You Got the Right Stuff: Email Design Best Practices Checklist

Use this checklist of email design best practices to deliver messages that are not only tailored to your audience, but also look professional, function properly, and capture the attention of increasingly-busy and multi-device-connected constituents to invite opens, attract clicks, and inspire action.


A web-based portfolio is your creative suitcase and a critical part of your web presence. Pack it carefully and your portfolio becomes the visual component of whatever story you want to tell. The creativity that you unleash by packaging your portfolio will spark further innovation. Protect that spark. It may well be what your currentRead… Read more »


When they take attendance in the digital career domain, can you say “present?” I can’t—yet. But, as we decide how to package our skills, knowledge and experience for a digital world, we can help each other get there. The traditional resume was on life support in the previous installment of this post. The inevitable willRead… Read more »

Presenting: Your Web Presence (Part 1 of 3)

The Resume isn’t Dead. But it will be. Get ready by grooming your web presence to get hired, promoted or re-branded in the era of resume decline. It’s time to explore strategies for assessing and improving your own digital footprint. A strategic, well-reasoned web presence is built around a hub; radiating from it are various kindsRead… Read more »

Is Your Government Agency a Social Media Dinosaur?

How smart and savvy is your government agency on social media? Has it staked out a strong social presence in cyberspace, or is it more like a meandering dinosaur in Jurassic times? It should be evident by now that all public sector agencies need to strategically leverage social media in the 21st century Digital AgeRead… Read more »

New Year, New Resume

Every year we make resolutions…and we break them. If you are planning on applying for a position in 2015, reviewing and/or updating your government résumé is a resolute you need to make and just can’t break…especially if you are that government employee who wants to climb the GS scale ladder. In my experience, employees attemptRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our third round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. Over 100 people from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in yourRead… Read more »