Search Results for: Cloud

Expert Insights: Three Steps to Implement Analytics

The following post is an expert of GovLoop’s recent report: Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics. The report features case studies from the state, local, and federal government on how agencies have leveraged analytics to improve services. You can view the full report below or download a PDF. Post Highlights Be sure to view GovLoop’sRead… Read more »

BlueLightCamp – The Unconference and Hackathon for Emergency Responders

BlueLightCamp– the Unconference for emergency responders and those who work with them – is back for a second year. The Unconference will be on Saturday 27th April, in Manchester, and the Hackathon will be on Sunday. Both events are completely free to attend Full details are on the BlueLightCamp web site, and you can registerRead… Read more »

If you are an executive in government or a tech professional anywhere you better realize how patent trolls are impacting you and your mission

By Bob Gourley I know you have heard of patent trolls, those sham companies that are created to assert patent-infringement claims to shake down firms for money or other assets. They have been around for a long long time, stifling innovation and removing more value from our economy than the Chinese steal in all theirRead… Read more »

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3 Reasons to get excited about Salesforce

Today’s Salesforce event in DC got me thinking a little bit about the reasons why people should be interested in Salesforce. Whether they’re public sector or private sector there are a lot of reasons why people are moving to the cloud. I know that I am certainly not at the front of the hype cycleRead… Read more »

Big Data and Analytics Conference- Intelligence, Defense and Homeland Security

Over the last few years, big data has been a hot topic in government. No longer just a buzzword, it has emerged as a real way to increase efficiencies, reduce waste, increase productivity and make smarter, data driven decisions. Organizations are already collecting large amount of data so the conversation has moved from “when” toRead… Read more »

How Did Your Retirement Fare In March – TSP Breakdown

Every month the DorobekINSIDER breaks down your Thrift Savings Plan. We want to know the funds faired, changes to your retirement process and trends in the funds. So did March match February’s gains? Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. She told Chris Dorobek that March wasRead… Read more »

Want to work for the State Department – There’s an App for that!

Do you want to work in the foreign service? The State Department has launched a mobile application to help. The app gives prospective Foreign Service officers a taste of what could be in store for them. Terry Davidson is the Recruitment and Outreach Division Chief at the State Department. He told Chris Dorobek on theRead… Read more »

Well Engineered use of AWS by Recovery and Transparency Board (RATB)

By Bob Gourley After speaking with Shawn Kingsberry in preparations for our 4 April Government Big Data Forum I realized their use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) may be of very high interest to our readers and went about looking for more info online to see what was publicly available. I was ecstatic to seeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Final Preparations For The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum

By Bob Gourley The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum is shaping up to be an absolutely incredible event, especially if you are a government professional seeking ways to make sense over data to better serve your organization’s mission. The event will also be great for the IT community that serves and supports theRead… Read more »

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ESG examines key features of NoSQL solutions that enterprises should consider

By Bob Gourley Evan Quinn is a Senior Principal Analyst of the Enterprise Strategy Group. He has just published a paper sponsored by MarkLogic titled “Why Enterprise NoSQL Matters” which reviews some key criteria you will want to be fluent on if you are working data issues in your enterprise. The following is from theRead… Read more »

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