Search Results for: research

Organizational Change Management – Now More Than Ever

This is a repost of a blog on the topic of Organizational Change Management in the Future featured on the Perspectives site. The global exchange of ideas and data is no longer limited by borders, time, distance or language. In becoming a Smarter Planet, we hope to change the paradigm from reacting to changeRead… Read more »

Are organisations failing in their use of social media and apps as customer service channels?

Guy Cranswick of IBRS has brought my attention to a media release about a new report from Fifth Quadrant, a leading Australian customer experience strategy and research consultancy, on social media and smartphone app customer service enquiries. The report looked at how many Australian consumers had used these channels for customer service enquiries and whyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Support the SMAC! Crusade Against Cancer

The following is the launch post of my friend and digital colleague, Jennifer Windrum. This campaign and story really hits home for me for a number of reasons and the way she has gone about creating a solution dedicated to her mother (who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer) and others moves me beyondRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Featured Catalyst Awards Proposal: Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure

NCDD’s Catalyst Awards process is in full swing, with 13 projects posted so far up at Feel free to ask questions, share your reactions, and offer support here as well as at CivicEvolution! Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure Proposed by: Jack Harris Project home: Q. Jack – tell us a little aboutRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Organizational Transformation and Mentoring

Get someone to give you a hand Developing the capability to execute on organizational transformation efforts is something I’ve spoken on at great length in my writing, speaking, and with clients. I’ve also talked of my belief that you can prepare your organization to thrive in the midst of change by focusing your organizational developmentRead… Read more »

Featured Catalyst Awards Proposal: Complex Adaptive Action Network

NCDD’s Catalyst Awards process is in full swing, with 10 projects posted so far at (and more on their way) for your consideration for the two $10,000 prizes. It’s time for NCDD members to engage in the projects that interest them, so we’re featuring the projects one by one here on the blog. FeelRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Understanding Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns

Chicken Little squawked about the sky falling. Pundits warn about the Fiscal Cliff. But federal agencies nearly every year hold up the sky while walking on the edge of a cliff. This is the world of Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns. In only four cases since 1975 has Congress passed all appropriation bills before theRead… Read more »

Calling the Presidential Election: Reforms to Polling Processes

By Eric Rabe, Fels Sr. Advisor By 11:16 election night, President Obama called it. He happily tweeted “Four more years” and sent along a celebratory photo. Yet it was another two hours before Mitt Romney conceded and the end-of-the-campaign speeches were finally over. Romney’s polls were showing Ohio and Florida, two critical states, still couldRead… Read more »

Measuring Success

By Susit Dhakal, Associate Consultant One of the projects I am working on this semester involves analyzing metrics that measure the success of programs which provide educational grants for women. As I started reaching out to various not-for-profit organizations to figure out how they measure the impact of their programs, I soon realized the challengesRead… Read more »

4 reasons training does not result in organizational development

Fix your training ailments Almost all of us have sat in a corporate training busily responding to e-mail, reading an article, or generally not paying attention to the training we are supposed to be receiving. At the end of the session we moved no further along our career arc, the company isn’t getting any ofRead… Read more »