Search Results for: research

Print Media: A Thing of the Past?

When I was a kid, a huge part of our Sundays focused around the Sunday paper. My mom got the financial section and the coupons, my dad got news and sports, and my sisters and I argued over entertainment and cartoons. Now that I’m grown, I don’t even get the Sunday paper anymore. I canRead… Read more »

Mobile Malware and Future Threats

By JonathanTabb had an excellent article last week about Mobile Malware and it got me thinking about future computer threats a little. Let’s see where my mind went: Mobile devices far outrank traditional computers and the gap is only growing. The Wired article points to only one of the problems with this, the lackRead… Read more »

Is the United States Militarizing Cyberspace?

By SeanLawson Though cybersecurity has been a concern for decades, we have seen an uptick of concern during the last four years. The Obama administration has made the issue a priority. Early in his term, the President gave a speech on the subject and the next month the Secretary of Defense announced the creation ofRead… Read more »

What should FEMA’s role be in an emergency? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Click here for the full recap. But First: What the roleRead… Read more »

DHS Secretary Napolitano Uses Hurricane Sandy to Hype Cyber Threat

By SeanLawson No natural disaster in the last several years has passed without a government official or civilian “expert” using it to raise fears of cyber threats. That is why, after a series of snarky tweets over the last couple days by Rob Rosenberger, I was inspired to create a Google alert for any newsRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Anonymous Sources Provide No Evidence of Iran Cyber Attacks

By SeanLawson This is the headline that should have been affixed to the New York Times’ most recent story about supposed Iranian cyber attacks against oil and natural gas companies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as banks in the United States. In fact, it is the most appropriate headline for practically all ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

3-Step Guide to Upgrading HR’s Role in Enterprise 2.0

By KyleLagunas Over the last few years, social and mobile technologies have proven to be powerful tools for sourcing and recruiting talent. More recently, we’re beginning to see consumer tech–social, in particular–being leveraged in other HR functions. But while research shows these next generation tools have the potential to improve communication and collaboration across theRead… Read more »

MIT Report Finds Cost Savings for Cloud Adoption by Small Businesses

Cloud computing has been one the main technology trends throughout the public and private sector in 2012. With dozens of agencies embracing cloud computing for improved efficiencies, the cloud has become one of the most critical tools for agencies to explore. The cloud offers the opportunity to cut costs, improve efficiencies and assist in improvedRead… Read more »

Change, wickedness, being connected and thinking different

I’m working with a group of students — undergrads and postgrads — at the University of Canberra, helping them imagine the future of a connected world. What are the social, political, cultural and work implications of a changing globe where being connected is becoming a part of who we are? It’s no easy task; asRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Speechwriting Tips

One distinguishing feature of management is the constant need to communicate, particularly in front of groups. The highest, most pressured, and often most difficult form of this communication, in my opinion, is public speaking. I would like to take some time over the next few weeks delving deeper into this topic. To get us started,Read… Read more »