Search Results for: Cloud

ICMA PSU Chapter: A Public Sector Startup

Today we highlight the good works of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Portland State University (PSU) chapter which was founded this year. The chapter is another sign that professional local government management is in safe hands for years to come. While Portland is becoming known for start up companies in the private sector, ELGLRead… Read more »

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Grading Government Transparency – Can Your Agency Scientists Tweet?

Transparency is essential for good government. Federal scientists play an important role in fulfilling that mandate by providing critical expertise to decision makers. The Union of Concerned Scientists new report, Grading Government Transparency, looks at the policies governing scientists’ communications and gives them a grade on their openness. Gretchen Goldman is an analyst at theRead… Read more »

GSA Cancels two more conferences, ICS’ are still under attack

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Cloud security service protects WordPress content – “Developer NorseCrop has launched a cloud security service designed to protect open-source content management systems that many SMBs use to run their Internet sites.” NorseCrop has Joomla and Drupal versions to follow as well.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

OpenStack Takes a Cue from Linux

By Kay Ackerman Linux has been the gold standard of open source operating systems since the early 90s. Today, it’s used by programmers, coders, designers and techies of all stripes because of the flexibility and security. So it makes sense, then, that when NASA and Rackspace set out to build an open cloud, they tookRead… Read more »

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Australian CTO presentation on social media: SOCIAL(MEDIA)ISM at the International Public Sector Convention

John Sheridan has been an active senior public sector advocate for the use of digital technologies in government for some years now. He’s stepped this up a notch with his recent appointment as Australian Government’s Chief Technology Officer and I thought it was valuable to share one of his most recent presentations on social media,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Technology Review: Then and Now

The start of a new year usually signifies a time for reflection on where we’ve been and where we’re headed, and nowhere is that disparity more glaringly apparent than in the technology sector. A decade ago, a business traveler had to collect receipts, pull up Excel and spend an afternoon keying up an expense reportRead… Read more »

Supply Chain Management Concerns Prompt Trend Toward Backsourcing

2011 witnessed an increase in backsourcing, which included severing ties with offshore contractors and returning business operations to domestic and local spheres, or even entirely in-house. That trend is continuing even into 2013 as American manufacturing is being reinvigorated by supply chain management concerns that are bringing more positions back home. The individual circumstances behindRead… Read more »

Four Factors To Consider When Adopting Automated Solutions – Part 1

Little effort is needed by now to persuade business leaders that automation of business processes – from the very first link in the supply chain through accounts payable and employee expense management and all the way to the customer’s front door – should be a cornerstone in any modern business plan. Especially with the riseRead… Read more »

Empowering Supply Chain and Financial Processes

Another unique element of Jetstream is the fact that we allow you to automate both supply chain and financial processes. Many of the vendors we find ourselves in competition with only offer one or the other. Here are a few reasons why we think that’s a benefit worth mentioning: Powerful automation applications across the boardRead… Read more »