Search Results for: cio

Weekly Round-up: January 06, 2012

Updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions Gadi Ben-Yehuda Looking forward, looking back. Alex Howard looked back at Gov20 in 2011, while Nancy Messieh looks ahead at social media in 2012. Mashable has five predictions of social media and the law for 2012, and I wrote about three resolutions for the year: generate, discriminate, and donate.Read… Read more »

Health care and social services: December 2011 recap and looking ahead at 2012

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. After thousands of miles traveled, pounds of food consumed, and yards of wrapping paper destroyed, we made it to 2012. This year promises to offer a lot of excitement. Political junkies will have the presidential campaign; economists will have the global debt crisis; foreign policy enthusiasts will have the MiddleRead… Read more »

Alex’s 2012 Tech Predictions

Editor’s note: We have asked each of our researchers to pull together considerations meant to help in your planning for 2012. We solicit your feedback on all these predictive posts. bg Come explore the future with me, but be warned, the future is a big place, and 2012 is a small slice of time. It’sRead… Read more »

Solving the Common Standards problem in the Open Data Space

Last year during my Open Government Data Camp keynote speech on The State of Open Data 2011 I mentioned how I thought the central challenge for open data was shifting from getting data open (still a big issue, but a battle that is starting to be won) to getting all that open data in someRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Do Local Governments Need A Bolder Approach?

Carl Sternberg, professor of public administration and government at the School of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, reviewed 246 stories summarized in the International City County Manager Associations News Briefings from April 2009 to April 2011. Sternberg’s review provides an interesting look at how governments across the country are dealing with reducedRead… Read more »

Open Government Advocacy: The Danger of Letting Narrative Trump Fact

So I loath making this the first post of the new year, but here we go. Today published a story “Tony Clement vows innovative new open government, but critics point to poor record.” In it, Jason Fekete the journalist responsible for the story, quotes a Democracy Watch spokesperson who sadly gets the facts completelyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Hidden in Plain Sight – IT Educational Opportunities

Have you ever come across an opportunity that had been hidden in plain sight? You know, the opportunity that had been available to you all along, you just didn’t notice it? I found two such outstanding opportunities around this time last year. The first is called the Advanced Management Program (AMP) and it’s hosted byRead… Read more »

Parking in a dead end street

This is a story of joined up government. This is a story of not very joined up government. It is quite a long story: there are well over a thousand words here, describing a bit of activity which took no more than a few minutes to do. There are no heroes in this story, butRead… Read more »

Interesting 911 Calls

The local newspapers in the Buffalo area all have a police blotter section of calls that people make to 911. Some of these calls are interesting. My favorites among the best of the calls highlighted in 2011 are: An Amherst resident told police that she saw gold-colored aliens in the distance on Chestnut Ridge Road.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

When Social Media Experts Don’t Look Beyond Social Media: GoDaddy, Mashable and Kernel

This week, while enjoying a little down time, I’ve been peeking online from time to time to see what has been going on with the Go Daddy boycott. For those who haven’t been following the story, Go Daddy, a internet domain registration company, came out in support of SOPA – a proposed US law that,Read… Read more »