Search Results for: research

Rivalry & Competition Can Encourage Civic Innovation

Asked for a three word description of why she was in attendance at the Code for America Summit, city administrator in Savannah, Georgia, said, “Show up Macon!” When Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco addressed the Summit, he cited his city’s position as the “number one city in America” according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. When MayorRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Phone Screening Interviews

Patra’s advice for acing a phone screening interview — treat it as a “real” interview! The phone screen interview may be your first exposure to a recruiter who can be your internal champion in the job search process. Make a good impression and be prepared. If the recruiter calls and you’re not prepared, reschedule. ThenRead… Read more »

Winning at Calvinball: Innovation and Uncertainty

The goal of almost all innovations is to take advantage of a predicted future trend or event. There is an entire industry and research field – futurism – devoted to predicting what’s ahead and how to capitalize on things to come. Much of government policy and services are also concerned with accurately predicting the future.Read… Read more »

Why Leadership Coaching Matters—A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

During the 1990’s the professional political consultant emerged as a definitive player in American politics. As a young woman in this burgeoning field this was the time I first encountered the men who are now the top advisers to our nation’s leaders. We sat around tables in shabby campaign headquarters and airport restaurants discussing theRead… Read more »

Need Your Help: Tips for Writing a Book & Improving as a Writer

Writing has always been something I have enjoyed doing. Ever since I was a kid I was drawn to my English classes. Math and science never came to me naturally. Although I did fine in these classes, it required long hours and hard work, when I would rather be reading or writing. Ultimately, I landedRead… Read more »

5 Essential Steps to Performance Management

Post Highlights Performance management is essential for the public sector – but challenging to do right Alignment across teams is essential to meet organizational needs Management needs to set the high level vision and get buy-in and feedback from all employees Performance management in the public sectors goes all the way back to 1883. WithRead… Read more »

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government

Today, GovLoop is announcing the release of our latest report, Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government. The GovLoop report focuses on best practices, case studies and identifies innovative uses of GIS technology in government. Also, be sure to visit the guide landing page for upcoming posts, and quick access to many GIS resources thatRead… Read more »

Conference on civil discourse being held in Seattle immediately before NCDD!

In case you’re not already aware of this, the Evergreen Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration and the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington holding a two-day conference titled “Civil Discourse to Resolve Governmental Crises: Creating a Path to Action” immediately before NCDD Seattle on October 10thRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite decisions made independently of the publicRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 05, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Of Slivovitz and Twitter. This somewhat-ambiguous independent clause of the first sentence of this Washington Post article says everything you need to know: “The Secret Service has formally adopted new policies on the use of alcohol and social media, “ Of Quads and Quora. Colleges are using social media in more sophisticated waysRead… Read more »