Search Results for: cio

Government Big Data Solutions Award Nominee: Dr. Ronald Taylor, PNNL

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

Information Technology: Enabling Management Productivity

Dan Chenok recently posted this article to the Business of Government’s blog. I thought it would be of interest to the GovLoop community! Federal CIO VanRoekel recently spoke about the Administration’s renewed focus on improving productivity within the federal government. One key to success is the strategic use of IT to improve how agencies manageRead… Read more »

Social Networking in Government Agencies: Pipedream or Imminent Reality?

How your organization can adopt social media tools internally to drive results and become a social business. Wading into Social Media The terms “enterprise social networking” or “social media” often conjure up images of hip, savvy startups. But many of you are on the forefront of using applications like GovLoop to share best practices andRead… Read more »

Leadership Road Sign

The impact of poor performing schools on a city are huge. A poor performing school district drives families out of the city and discourages new families from moving in. In an era when jobs are hard to come by, dismal graduation rates have an impact on the economy and government services for generations to come.Read… Read more »

Why is Finding a Post Box so Hard?

Sometimes it is the small things that show how government just gets it all so wrong. Last Thursday The Daily Show’s Wyatt Cenac has a little bit on the US Post Office and its declining fortunes as people move away from mail. There is no doubt that the post offices days are numbered, but thatRead… Read more »

VanRoekel Address Federal IT Community

This morning I had the pleasure of listening to Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel at the Ronald Reagan Building. The event was hosted by ACT-IAC (American Councils for Technology – Industry Advisory Council). VanRoekel gave a fascinating presentation highlighting the challenges of Federal IT reform. The presentation was titled, Our Moment – the information from theRead… Read more »

The Elders of the Internet Have A Message for the U.S. Congress

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) was founded in 1990 as a donor funded non-profit with a focus on fighting for internet freedoms. They frequently bring those fights to the courts by bringing lawsuits against large corporations and the government. They also work to provide information to inform legislators and the public at large. The EFFRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: Top 5 Ways to Utilize Your Smartphone During the Holiday Season

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. The holiday season is in full swing, and while it’s a great time of year, it can also be a stressful one! There’s a ton of shopping,Read… Read more »

Performance: The Psychologist’s View

As a working actor and a working trainer, you could say I am a performance critic. In my other life as a psychologist, I see a wide range of similarities. Instead of comparing business and theatre definitions of performance, I thought a good way to present this issue in the best light is to highlightRead… Read more »