Search Results for: Cloud

Data Mining Taken to a New Level, Budget Cuts, and ICS getting a make over…

By Marcus Williams Some hot topics we are tracking: Data Mining Taken to a New Level During a recent expo Raytheon, the 5th largest defense contractor, displayed how their Rapid Information Overlay Technology could collect data a on user. RIOT was designed to search through well known social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, andRead… Read more »

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Federally Focused Technology Event Calendar: A reference for enterprise CTOs

By Bob Gourley There are dozens of technology related events every single week. Even with recent decisions aimed at cutting back on the number of events that the government is involved with, industry, academia and even government continues to have a strong need for bringing people together to work on hard problems. Which means thereRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Weekly Round-up: February 15, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Google+ Becomes 2nd Most Popular Social Network? Twenty months after it laucnhed, Google+ has 343 million users. But what are they doing, and what is the implication for Gov20? One reason Google+ continues to grow is that it is integrated into Google’s mobile platform so seamlessly. Keep this in mind when you readRead… Read more »

Did the SOTU Usher in a New Cybersecurity Frontier?

The President unveiled his long awaited Executive Order to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure during the State of the Union. It’s the first step in creating a more structured and standardized cybersecurity response. But how will it actually work? And will industry be able to work alongside government? Trey Hodgkins is the Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

Offender 360: Illinois Reforms State Criminal Justice System With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Microsoft Corp. (Redmond, WA) — Today the Illinois Department of Corrections (DOC) and Microsoft Corp. announced the successful implementation of the Offender-360 project, a cloud-based criminal justice information system built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The solution directly supports legislation signed by Gov. Pat Quinn that aims to improve Illinois public safety and criminal justiceRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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New “Open Data Guide” Answers Whys and Hows of Growing Field

What’s with the buzz about open data these days? Why did New York City’s Chief Digital Officer Rachel Haot predict that, “Open data will saves lives” in 2013? Why did Mayor Emanuel in Chicago hire a Chief Data Officer? Cloud-based, open data software provider Socrata, Inc. has just release an “Open Data Field Guide” toRead… Read more »

Increasing Public Sector Efficiency

For government organizations facing budget cuts, limited IT resources, and rising citizen expectations, efficiency is the name of the game. Many are turning to the cloud as a way to deliver technology capabilities more quickly and cost-effectively. In fact, cloud computing is expected to account for roughly 20% of the overall global IT market, excludingRead… Read more »

SuperTracker – USDA’s new app. brings together big data to help you get healthy

SuperTracker is the new app. for USDA. It allows individuals to track their food intake in the dietary guidelines put out annually by the USDA. Dr. Robert Post is the Deputy Director for the Center Nutrition Policy and Promotion at the USDA. He and his team are also finalists for the ACT- IAC Excellence.Gov Awards.Read… Read more »

“Social Media” is SO 2009! 7 Proposed Semantic Upgrades

At the risk of inspiring unresolvable semantic discussions, this post addresses seven Digital Era terms that should probably be replaced and/or removed from the lexicon and suggests both existing and new alternative terminology to use in their place. What other proposed changes would you make? ===//=== I generally try to avoid semantic arguments. Having clarityRead… Read more »