Search Results for: cio


American Federation of Government Employees President John Gage today issued the following statement in response to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, introduced by House Speaker John Boehner: “Speaker Boehner has proposed paying for a one-year extension to payroll tax relief by raising taxes on middle class Americans who work for theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Open Data Day 2011 – Recaps from Around the World

This last Saturday was International Open Data Day with hackathons taking place in cities around the world. How many you ask? We can’t know for certain, but organizers around the world posted events to the wiki in over 50 cities around the world. Given the number of tweets with the #odhd hashtag, and the locationsRead… Read more »

Government IT Trends in 2012

By Doug Krueger, Blue Coat Federal Originally published on the BluePrint blog It’s hard to believe that 2011 is coming to an end and that we are ramping up for the New Year. Around this time of year, our favorite publications are full of their predictions and while they are interesting to read, this yearRead… Read more »


Robert Behn, a lecturer at Harvard University’s John F. Kenndey School of Government writes an interesting Performance Leadership Report on a monthly basis. In his most recent report Behn offers advice from Tony Williams who served as Mayor of Washington , D.C. for two terms and prior to that as the District’s Chief Financial OfficerRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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How not to win followers & influence people

Call it round 2. Call it an explosion of sheer frustration. Call it what you want. Here’s my top 10 things which are irritating the hell out of me this week on social media and Twitter specifically. If you do these things, you’ll probably get away with one or two. Do all of them, andRead… Read more »

Big Data is All the Rage. Why?

On Monday, December 5, Bob Gourley went on the Enterprise CIO Forum to explain Big Data and why it matters. First, he defined Big Data simply as the data your organization cannot currently analyze. Though some technologists give more precise definitions, this sums up the challenge enterprises now face. If you can deal with allRead… Read more »

StatsCan’s free data costs $2M – a rant

So the other day a reader sent me an email pointing me to a story in iPolitics titled “StatsCan anticipates $2M loss from move to open data” and asked me what I thought. Frustrated, was my response. $2M is not a lot of money. Not in a federal budget of almost $200B. And, the numberRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Government Android Should Concern You

Android exploits present a problem for enterprise and Gov’t adoption of Android Android is a great mobile computing platform. It’s extensible, fairly easy-to-use (considering its plethora of features), has a great application store with hundreds of thousands of applications, and connects back with everything in Google so that all of Google’s information and services areRead… Read more »

Before a review, a preview

Someone on the #pr tag asked last night what our predictions were for the future. I said that PR would be going into a tailspin as it realised everyone’s attention span was so reduced that they needed to do something really special to stand out. I suddenly realised – more and more people are becomingRead… Read more »

Twitter Guide for Government: Tweet in First Person

Download the PDF: Thou Shalt Tweet! 15 Commandments for Government Agencies on Twitter 9. THOU SHALT TWEET IN FIRST PERSON OK. This may sound like strange advice for an organization that frequently issues highly impersonal press releases: “Minister Soandso to visit site of the new WidgetrUs TWEET factory.” But experience has shown time and againRead… Read more »

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