Search Results for: personal brand

Here’s To Fy15, with 5 Hard-Learned Lessons

Every year on October 1st the Federal performance cycle resets itself. Combined with the Jewish High Holidays (Yom Kippur and the accompanying fast just ended) the amount of navel-gazing can literally make your stomach hurt, as well as your eyes. But it also helps you to grow. So, here’s to distilling some simple things-you-already-knew fromRead… Read more »

How to Attract & Maintain the Next Generation of Public Leaders

Employee engagement is one of the biggest challenges facing the public sector. As agencies’ missions continue to grow increasingly complex and many senior staff prepare for retirement, the public sector must place an emphasis on recruiting and retaining the next generation of public leaders. This crucial topic was the basis of Tuesday’s Governing webinar, Engage,Read… Read more »

That’s a Wrap: Packaging the Reluctant Fed

Packaging. Why do government communicators, marketers and brand strategists do it? To find out, take a look at a gift wrap site. Honest. The parallels between wrapping a gift and packaging a person are striking. A friend at work gave me a wry smile and said maybe he’d let me package him sometime. I reckoned that heRead… Read more »

When Innovation Holds You Hostage

Everyone’s got ideas. My father-in-law has a million. They just pop out of his head the same way you and I breathe. Before any of us could spell “metrosexual,” Dad made his own “Magic Cream.” No chapped hands in the winter and nobody called him a girl. When we weren’t sure if the kids needed changing, DadRead… Read more »

How About UX For The Employees?

A thing isn’t a thing until it’s got a fancy technology acronym. Preferably one with an X. And so the simple idea that users should own the experience has one. Briefly, it’s the art and science (mostly science, they like to say) of optimizing the customer’s interaction with your digital properties. But I have toRead… Read more »

Up Your Game With a Killer LinkedIn Profile

These days, LinkedIn is more than just an online resume – and if you’re still just thinking of it that way, you may be missing out on some great opportunities. The networks you build there can be a powerful resource, and more recruiters and hiring managers are actually searching for candidates on the site. EvenRead… Read more »

Spreading the Word: Data-Driven Marketing for Government

Customer expectations are the biggest driver of Data-Driven marketing. CMOs are increasingly asked to show concrete return on marketing spend. Customers are expecting personalized and relevant interactions with their brands and THEY decide the when and the where of those interactions. Optimization of data-driven marketing industry tools enables marketers to sync efforts toward a closed-loopRead… Read more »

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our second round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. Over 100 people (double the number who entered for our first round!) from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in cityRead… Read more »

Digital Property is “Real” Property: 5 Ways to Treat it That Way

Although we’re in at least the seventh decade of the Digital Era, and people realize how integral social and digital technologies are to both our personal and professional lives, there is still a very strong tendency to underestimate the critical role of digital property in managing a brand identity, pursuing goals and objectives, and managingRead… Read more »