Search Results for: research

Nobody Loves Me, Job Search Gone Bad

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Specialist. I was talking with a job seeking friend recently. He was angry and discouraged. “I have applied to a lot of jobs, gone to a lot of job fairs, and no-one responds,” he said. “I’ve got the top clearances in hot demand areas. WTH?” So I askedRead… Read more »

LocalData wins Knight News Challenge

We are happy to announce that the Code for America project LocalData was recently selected one of six Knight News Challenge winners in the data round! Support from Knight Foundation will allow our team to continue our work beyond the CfA fellowship — deploying LocalData into four new cities. Reflecting on the ways LocalData couldRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Legislation May Give Budgetary Power to CIOs, Army Investigates Analytics Software, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Proposed legislation would give federal chief information officers authority over their technology budgets. More here. The Army is investigating how the 3rd Infantry Division obtained free intelligence software from analytics company Palantir and has ordered the Palantir-provided training servers shut down. More here. The U.S. AirRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Federal Capture Management – Identifying Teaming Partners

When you receive a proposal from a contractor, it typically includes a number of teaming partners all singing in unison that they are the only ones in world who understand your mission, can fulfill your requirements, etc. So what brings two or more companies together to pursue a federal contract opportunity? Well, there are aRead… Read more »

Redesigned Website Launched

This week launched a redesign of their website. I am really impressed with how the site looks and the improved user experience. I visit fairly often, either researching information or checking to see if there are any new updates. What I love is how easy it is now to find information, the documentRead… Read more »

Time to talk about the Fiscal Cliff? DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sarkis Tatigian has spent 70 years dedicating his life to federal service. 70 years! Why did he do it? What are his plans for the future? We talked to the Navy mainstay. Click here for the full recap. Could you harness the power of Twitter to predict diseases? Yes, says theRead… Read more »

Book announcement: “Studying Social Networks”

I am happy to announce a new book “Studying Social Networks”. I was honored to be a co-author on this book with Marina Hennig, Ulrik Brandes, and Juergen Pfeffer who took on a leading role publishing the book. It’s available on in February 2013 and will be distributed by Chicago University Press. In EuropeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

How Does Citizen Engagement Create Value for Government?

GovDelivery recently featured an IDC Report that contains questions posed by GovDelivery to Adelaide O’Brien, Research Director of Smart Government Strategies at IDC Government Insights. I’d encourage you to download the report to check out the full report, which had a lot of interesting information. Below I’ve shared one of the questions posed in theRead… Read more »

Increasing Battlefield Bandwidth, Laws and Norms for Cyber Attacks, and More

AEHF satellite concept Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Harold Koh, the State Department’s chief legal adviser, declared that the United States believes that cyber attacks are subject to humanitarian and war laws. More here. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to put electromagnetic and acoustic sensors in icebergs to monitorRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

63 reasons your agency should have a social media presence

It is 46 years since the internet was first developed (ARPA network), 21 years since the development of the first web browser (aptly named WorldWideWeb) and fifteen years since the launch of the first recognisable social network ( Today half our population actively uses Facebook, and over 60 per cent of Australians use some formRead… Read more »