Search Results for: cio

AFGE Member Publishes Guide for Veterans Seeking Federal Employment

AFGE Local 3258 member and US Navy Veteran, Mark Butler, returned home from active duty in January 2008 in the midst of the recession. Despite having numerous qualifications, Butler was heavily affected by the economy and subsequent job freeze. While he was not immediately successful on the job front, Butler’s experiences applying for jobs inspiredRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Social Security Administration Takes First Step in Rescinding Questionable Retirement Review

Rescission order creates gaping loophole for Social Security fraud, says union. The American Federation of Government Employees cried foul today on the Social Security Administration’s plans to rescind Social Security Rulings 66-1c and 91-1c, which allow the agency to question retirement allegations made by corporate officers and the self-employed. “Development of questionable retirement allegations haveRead… Read more »

Using Open Data to Map Vancouver’s Trees

This week, in preparation for the International Open Data Hackathon on Saturday, the Vancouver Parks Board shared one neighborhood of its tree inventory database (that I’ve uploaded to Buzzdata) so that we could at least see how it might be leveraged by citizens. What’s interesting is how valuable this data is already (and why itRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Is Black Friday Really Just “Occupy Wal-Mart?”

Tweet This commercial creeps me out in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I just don’t get Black Friday. I’ve tried to understand but it’s just not happening. Somehow the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving, designed for us to spend time with family and friends and simply relax, has been unceremoniously cut short because peopleRead… Read more »

Kindle Highlights and Collective Intelligence

As an avid reader of books, blogs, and articles, I’m always looking for ways to capture the key nuggets of knowledge to organize, apply, and share in the future. I currently use Google Docs to capture my notes from these various sources, but it has been a challenge to keep my research organized. My KindleRead… Read more »

Carrier IQ Invades Privacy

Android has been plagued by malware, security vulnerabilities, and now, privacy issues. It started with HTC’s logging application which over-zealously logged aspects of phone use in insecure ways which made that data accessible by any application, and more recently has come to a head with the discovery of the carrier IQ application. The Carrier IQRead… Read more »

Department of Defense Missing OMB Deadline Reinforces That Data Center Consolidation is More Complex Than Imagined

Originally posted on Blue Coat’s Federal Blue Printblog On October 7, federal agencies needed to provide a progress report to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that provides an update on all data center consolidation efforts. While many agencies met the OMB deadline, the Department of Defense (DoD) did not submit its report, andRead… Read more »

EA Governance Modeling

One of the issues about governance topics that seems to come up all the time is just how to visually represent it. Often governance seems to be displayed as a set of rules and responsibilities some body or person is held accountable for. However, that seems to only address the legal or accountability aspects ofRead… Read more »

EA Governance Modeling

One of the issues about governance topics that seems to come up all the time is just how to visually represent it. Often governance seems to be displayed as a set of rules and responsibilities some body or person is held accountable for. However, that seems to only address the legal or accountability aspects ofRead… Read more »