Search Results for: Cloud

Odierno: budget is greatest threat to national security, gets new Alpha site and more

By RyanKamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. DOD, VA improve eBenefits portal – The eBenefits self-service portal has been updated. This portal allows service members and vets unparalleled access to information and services. It allows users to get into compensation services, even populated the information from their VA records.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Government Innovation Success? RFP-EZ Launches – hear from Clay Johnson

“Risk is giving yourself permission to fail and an opportunity to succeed,” said Clay Johnson. Johnson is one of the Presidential Innovation Fellows tasked with helping streamline and modernize the federal procurement system. The first of its kind program, brought in innovators from the private sector for six-month fellowships to help government solve problems. Johnson’sRead… Read more »

Key ingredients make IT transformation a recipe for success

In a recent post I wrote about a pair of innovative plans that will shape the future of federal IT. Cloud First and Share First have the potential to truly transform government IT. As with most innovations, the hard work begins soon after the “wow factor” wears off. So how do you successfully execute aRead… Read more »

CTO Events Calendar: Updated for 2013

By BobGourley These are the technology events we are tracking at, either because we plan on attending and reporting on these events, or because we are speaking at them, or because we thought they would be of high enough interest to our readers to warrant their inclusion here. The up to date list canRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

By 2015, more than 30 percent of analytics projects will deliver insights based on structured and unstructured data.

By BobGourley Gartner projects that by 2015, more than 30 percent of analytics projects will deliver insights based on structured and unstructured data. Sounds rational/logical/realistic to me. Sounds like the entire reason everyone in the federal space has been moving towards open source Apache Hadoop/CDH based solutions (including new interest in Impala) as a keyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Is Postal Service Doomed to be Broke?

The Postal Service has a money problem. A big one. And there aren’t simple solutions. The Government Accountability Office has looked at the problem and has made recommendations to Congress. Frank Todisco is the GAO’s Chief Actuary. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program what the real issue is for USPS. “USPS provides retireesRead… Read more »

BYOD: It’s Personal

With all of the talk and research that has been going on, it’s tough to ignore BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Lists of organizational pros and cons have been popping up in newspapers, tech reports and blogs attempting to educate private and public employees before their agency dives head first into a BYOD program. WhileRead… Read more »

Millennial Mayhem – Managing, Training and Capitalizing

Next year, millennials will make up more than 35% of the federal workforce. That’s a staggering number of feds who will all have been born after 1976. So how can leaders really connect, train, manage and capitalize on their talents? Logan Harper is community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s SchoolRead… Read more »

Don’t get blindsided by fiscal contraints – Management is what matters

When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. But Tom Fox says in order for any of the other priorities to be successful you first have to have strong leadership andRead… Read more »