Search Results for: cio

Are Your Social Media Activities Integrated with Business Lines?

Last weekend, I attended a conference at a nice resort and brought the whole family. We tried the hotel restaurant and went on Foursquare to look for tips and a possible check-in special. To my surprise, the hotel was very active on Foursquare and offered a free appetizer for checking into the restaurant. When IRead… Read more »

Is the Federal Government Helping to Bust Unions? IAM Local 778 members picket outside the federally-owned Honeywell facility on October 10, 2011, in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo by IAM Local 778) Web Only// Features » November 20, 2011 Is the Federal Government Helping to Bust Unions? Defense contractor Honeywell pushed concessions onto striking workers—and unions say Washington supported the company behind theRead… Read more »

Government Big Data Award Special Mention: US Department of State, Bureau of Counselor Affairs

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

It’s crude but still very interesting

I was asked a very interesting question earlier today – A colleague asked me how many twitter accounts there are in Devon? To which my reply was (slightly paraphrased): “Hmmmm, I’m not sure to be honest…however we could provide a crude figure for the number of facebook users or potential reach using the advertising feature….weRead… Read more »

Statistics Canada Data to become OpenData – Background, Winners and Next Steps

As some of you learned last night, Embassy Magazine broke the story that all of Statistics Canada’s online data will not only be made free, but released under the Government of Canada’s Open Data License Agreement (updated and reviewed earlier this week) that allows for commercial re-use. This decision has been in the works forRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving 2011

Head over to for a vitual cornucopia of information about Thanksgiving on their Thanksgiving page. You’ll find everything you need for a safe, happy, and delicious holiday including: Air Travel Status and TSA Air Travel Tips Food for the Holidays and Recipes from and for Americans November Is American Indian Heritage Month Out-of-This-World ThanksgivingRead… Read more »

North (Dakota) toward Home: Designing Diversity – an Integrative Incubator for “Individual Creativity” and “Interactive Community”

Confession time: I owe North Dakota an apology. About six months ago, in light of the economic pressures on government employees, budget cuts and downsizings, further calls for their jobs or at least slashing their pensions, I wrote a satirical “Shrink Rap” ditty called “The Reorg Rag.” It started: It can’t happen here, I haveRead… Read more »

GAO and Success: Acquisition Workforce the Common Factor

With the collapse of the Congressional “supercommittee’s” budget deal on deficit reduction, federal managers, and their industry counterparts, are being told to prepare for the worst , as possible mandatory cuts are on the horizon for 2013. In the mean time, federal managers will need to continue to find ways to save money and doRead… Read more »

The Canadian Government’s New Web 2.0 Guidelines: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Yesterday, the government of Canada released its new Guidelines for external use of Web 2.0. For the 99.99% of you unfamiliar with what this is, it’s the guidelines (rules) that govern how, and when, public servants may use web 2.0 tools such as twitter and facebook. You, of course, likely work in organization that survivesRead… Read more »

Security Development Lifecycle Webinar with Michael Howard

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

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