Search Results for: research

Calling in Cyber Strikes, “Reckless” Cyber Attacks Against the US, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Debora Plunkett, head of the National Security Agency’s Information Assurance Directorate, accused other nations of launching “reckless” cyber attacks against the United States without “any sense of restraint.” More here. Nearly 3,000 donors were fooled into giving over $570,000 to a network of look-alike campaign websitesRead… Read more »

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Journey Mapping: A Process to Re-Imagine Customer Service in Government

To improve how government delivers customer service, agencies must understand how customer experiences work, what moments matter for customers, how expectations are set and delivered, and how experiences are perceived and remembered. GovLoop, in partnership with Oracle, recently held a design thinking training session. The goal of design thinking is to learn about the customerRead… Read more »

Drunk Pictures Aren’t Just For Facebook Anymore

Thermal imaging technology in development could one day allow photographers to determine, amongst other things, whether their subjects have been drinking to excess. As reported by Government Technology, currently similar technology has been used at international border crossings, helping to determine if travelers have been infected with influenza or SARS. This technology is being adaptedRead… Read more »

Rumored Cybersecurity Executive Order Draft, Federal Agencies Not Monitoring Employee Devices, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The White House is circulating a draft of an executive order on cybersecurity which sources say would establish a voluntary program where companies operating critical infrastructure would choose to meet cybersecurity best practices and standards established with guidance from government. More here. A new survey showsRead… Read more »

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Weekly Round-up: September 07, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week is all about innovation. HHS Inovates. Health and Human Services is holding a vote to determine fo People’s Choice Award for 2012 Civic Entrepreneurs. Samantha Smith of Forbes reports on Fuse Corp, “a non-profit devoted to recruiting and training batches of civic entrepreneurs” who will attempt to solve civic problems. CreatingRead… Read more »

I’m calling shenanigans on ‘the $1.3 trillion price of not tweeting at work’

Listen, it’s easy to sharp shoot someone else’s writing. Especially when you don’t know them from a hole in the ground. I generally steer clear of such tomfoolery, but to be honest, I read an article yesterday on FastCompany entitled “The $1.3 Trillion Price Of Not Tweeting At Work” and it left a bitter tasteRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Scoring the president’s first term

On the DorobekINSIDER Are big data’s potential solutions veering too far into far into a world of fiction? We look at the real future for big data. Click here for the full recap. Thomas was opening up government before transparency was cool. But while the world has changed alot since 1995, Thomas hasn’t changed asRead… Read more »

DARPA’s Computer Network Operations R&D, Cellphone Location Data not Constitutionally Protected, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Information Innovation Office is requesting information on potential performers for classified Computer Network Operations Research and Development. More here. The Obama administration told a federal court that the public has no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in cellphone location data, andRead… Read more »

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Are big data solutions just a fantasy?

Is big data really the savior or is it a fantasy? That’s the question Lee Rainie, the Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, wants to discover. He and his team surveyed over 1,000 data experts to discover what the future of big data looks like. But before we get intoRead… Read more »

RightClick 2012 round-up

I attended and keynoted RightClick 2012 yesterday in Perth and wanted to share my notes, which I presented as a round-up at the event, as well as my presentation. It was a good event, with an excellent turn-out of WA public servants. From the feedback I overheard, the attendees were pretty happy with the event.Read… Read more »

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