Search Results for: Cloud

The Babel Effect

Transmitting what’s in our mind into the consciousness of someone else is tricky at best. Individuals process new information by comparing to what they’ve experienced and know. Think a child asking is ‘this’ like ‘that’ when exposed to something new. We offer examples to help others understand, but since we are unique – no oneRead… Read more »

Inauguration Bite: 4 things you can do to deal with the transition

Today is Inauguration Day and no amount of prep work can prepare anyone for the tremendous amount of changes that the administration will face in the upcoming months. Cabinet secretaries will be confirmed. Policies will be unveiled. And the new 113 Congress will get down to governing. So what can you do? The career fedRead… Read more »

Across the Threshold: Evolution of the White House “We the People” Open Government Platform

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Today is inauguration day in Washington, the day when Barack Obama is sworn in as President of the United States for another four years. In 2009, when this happened for the first time, the outgoing George W. Bush administration staffers were in many cases replaced by people with social mediaRead… Read more »

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Looking Forward – 2013 The Year Of The Crowdfunding Gold Rush

By MollyJust 2012 was an amazing year for crowdfunding. Within the span of a three month period (March – May 2012), the largest crowdfunding sites including Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Grow VC, and Rockethub doubled their daily traffic and donation volumes. Between 2008 and 2011, Kickstarter’s issuers raised over $200 million in sales. In 2012, the siteRead… Read more »

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Military suicides on the rise: What can be done to help?

Here’s a sad fact, last year more service members committed suicide than died on the battlefield. Despite extensive support and counseling programs, as many as 349 service members committed suicide last year, which would be the highest number since the Department of Defense began keeping detailed statistics in 2001. The President and the Defense SecretaryRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 18, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week: The “Wish I had thought of that” edition. This Headline: “Civic app for finding flu shots goes viral” Well played, Alex Howard, well played. This Program: The University of Florida is offering a master’s program focused on social media. (in fairness, I have been writing about that for about two years,Read… Read more »

iTunes has new challengers, Apple is looking to make Siri better and more

By RyanKamauff The iOS/Android War might be won in the BRIC nations. Google Music and Amazon Cloud Player take on iTunes Match. Who wins? The mobile music scene is not going to be easy to sort. We have solutions such as Spotify and Rdio, but iTunes is always the incumbent, while Amazon and Google areRead… Read more »

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Love and Empathy for the DoD Technologist

By BobGourley IT professionals in the Department of Defense have always faced unique challenges. They serve missions of global importance, in the face of full spectrum threats (with many in war zones and all facing hostile cyber threats), and have always had to operate under a burdensome regulatory environment that can slow most actions. AndRead… Read more »

Microsoft Disaster Response App “HelpBridge” Launches for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

Microsoft (Redmond, WA) — “I need help.” “I want to know whether my friends and family are OK.” “I want to help.” Those tend to be the three main reactions after natural disasters strike, said Tony Surma, chief technology officer for Microsoft’s Disaster Response team. HelpBridge, a free new mobile app from Microsoft, aims toRead… Read more »

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