Search Results for: research

DorobekINSIDER: Recapping the DNC and the 7 stories you need to know

On today’s program E-government — the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. Now there’s a new book out on the issue. You’ll hear from the author. It’s been a rough few months for federal employees. But there wereRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity: A Matter of National Security and Economic Viability

This post is part of GovLoop’s ongoing blog series around one of our latest resources, Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap. In the guide, the most pressing technology trends are identified. The guide is intended to provide a broad spectrum of government technology. Our blog series will dive deeper into each section, so be sure toRead… Read more »

The FBI Denies Being Hacked and Tracking Apple Devices, DISA’s Five Year Strategic Plan, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Federal Bureau of Investigation denies that one of their laptops had been hacked by AntiSec and that the file of 12 million Apple device IDs they claim to have leaked even existed. More here. The Defense Information Systems Agency released its strategic plan for 2013-2018Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Jobs only the government can do — Federal Success Stories

It’s been a rough few months for federal employees, political season, conference scandals and budget cuts will do that. But there were some shining spots for some feds this summer. It really was the summer for exceptional federal success stories. Successes that Tom Fox, the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS, says onlyRead… Read more »

Feds Continuing with the Spirit of Charitable Giving – CFCNCA Kickoff

Amid recent scandals regarding inappropriate agency conference spending, this morning’s Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) Kickoff was striking. With neither mimes and commemorative coins – nor coffee and refreshments – the event was marked in its simplicity and clarity of purpose. The almost 600 campaign coordinators and volunteers, from across allRead… Read more »

The what, why, when and how of E-gov

E-government— the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. For example a successful program in a town in California is not being applied to a similar situation in Mexico. The new book from Ramon Gil-Garcia explores the problem. TheRead… Read more »

Stealth IT: Ninjas In The Workplace

The highly empowered mobile user is a disruptive trend most enterprises have yet to come to grips with. This is causing huge changes in enterprises. Friends at Wikibon, the awesome open research and collaboration site, have produced an infographic that helps capture some key dimensions of this trend. It is embedded below: Via: Wikibon InfographicsRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


DorobekINSIDER: What the Democratic Platform says about government and your 7 stories

We are tweaking the format of our program a bit starting today. Rather than posting an hour long show, we will post each part of the program individually. Our goal remains helping you do your job better, and that will continue to be our paramount focus. We continue to work on new ways to provideRead… Read more » post: How to Engage the Public to Promote Your Mission

[I wrote this post for where it was published today] While everyone is watching the social media memes erupting on Twitter and Facebook around the presidential campaigns, the question remains how social media can enhance governing to provide regular government operations with a human face. In my conversations with social media directors I hearRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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