Search Results for: Cloud

Opening Government: Oakland’s First CityCamp

I recently co-founded an organization called OpenOakland with Code for America alumni Eddie Tejeda. One of our passions was that we both believe that government can and should be much more than a vending machine. It’s no secret that current local governments have a ton of changing to do, but we think it is unlikelyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Is government IT TOO big to succeed?

As the world has become dependent on information technology (IT), so has the federal government and its constituencies. Leveraged effectively, technical tools can engage the public, create cost savings, and improve outcomes. These benefits are obscured by regular reminders that federal IT is fundamentally flawed. It is too big to succeed,” said Zachary Bastian. TheRead… Read more »

Federal IT is poised to take a huge step into the future

A couple of developments in federal IT have me excited. The Federal IT Shared Services Strategy spells out a way that helps federal agencies to innovate without raising cost by adopting a shared approach to IT service delivery. Then came the Digital Government Strategy, which seeks to build a 21st-century digital government, creating an information-drivenRead… Read more »

Ryan’s Tech Predictions on consumer IT and mobility for 2013

By RyanKamauff With this post we dive deeper into technology trends associated with consumer IT, especially mobility in 2013. These flow from our earlier overview of the seven shapers of technology in 2013, but have a bit more fidelity. We offer some predictions on how we see the mobile and technology world over the nextRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Request for collaborators for “Macroscope for Online D&D” project

This post is from Ben Roberts of The Conversation Collaborative, who is leading a group of NCDD members to develop a proposal for the Catalyst Awards – and is looking for more collaborators. If you’re interested in getting involved in this project now or down the road, add a comment to this blog post, withRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Unlocking the Data Act – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Welcome to GovLoop InsightsIssue of the Week with Chris Dorobek where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead. And,Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 11, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda In 2013, we’re all growing up a little bit. Smartphones entering that awkward phase? The Google Nexus 4 is too big for some hands (heck, even the iPhone used big hand models in 2007 to make itself look smaller), and yet the 5-inch Galaxy Note sold 10 million units and is spawning aRead… Read more »

GSA Expense Management Fiasco Prompts Additional Scrutiny

In the continuing saga of the General Services Administration (GSA), Chief Dan Tangherlini faced the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee this week to respond to questions concerning the astounding lack of spend management his agency has shown in recent years, most of which came to light following a lavish April 2010 training conferenceRead… Read more »

My Share of the Task: Stanley McCrystal. Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: For federal leaders sometimes it’s hard to focus on what they can actually control. They get bogged down in abstracts and politics. Tom Fox from the Partnership for Public Service says that should top this list for New Years Resolutions for leaders. Click here for the full recap. But up front:Read… Read more »

Representative Proposes Legislation to Streamline Federal IT Acquisitions

In a move to help increase the pace and effectiveness of federal technology acquisition, Representative Darrell Issa (R-California) is proposing that Chief Information Officers within government agencies be allowed long-sought authority over their agencies’ technology budgets. “At a time we are facing record deficits and our national debt has exceeded [our gross domestic product], itRead… Read more »