Search Results for: cio

Top Five Nominees For The Government Big Data Solutions Award

Governments (local, State, Federal, International) need more agility. This is especially true in the domain of Information Technology. Information technology is one of the fastest moving industries, but the government is slow at adopting and procuring new technology, including the technology that would make it more agile and adaptive. There are things we can doRead… Read more »

Context Is King

They used to say “content is king.” Kings, like anything, have value because they are rare. Is content rare? With hundreds of millions of users on Facebook and Twitter and tens of millions of blogs, content is everywhere. Sure, the quality varies, but content is anything but scarse. Most is ephemeral, easily forgotten, and replaced.Read… Read more »

Scheduling Your Day: Most Important Thing First?

Personally, I am most wide awake, energetic, and focused early in the morning. Except my morning hours are usually sucked away by reading email, putting out fires, and being in meetings. Once I realized I was wasting these beautifully productive hours in things that did not require my absolute full attention, I started blocking offRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs By Major – Cool List

I get this question asked a lot – what federal jobs should apply for by major? Cool list by USAJOBS Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Federal Jobs By College Major Help Download the PDF file To help you choose the right career field, we have prepared the following table that groups Federal jobs thatRead… Read more »

Weaving Foreign Ministries into the Digital Era: Three ideas

Last week I was in Ottawa giving a talk at the Department of Foreign Affairs talking about how technology, new media and open innovation will impact the department’s it work internally, across Ottawa and around the world. While there is lots to share, here are three ideas I’ve been stewing on: Keep more citizens safeRead… Read more »

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »

Open311 as the open standard for tracking civic issues

An initiative by Civic Commons is set to establish Open311 as the global open standard for civic issue tracking. Open311 is an API that will interface with local authority CRM systems, and enable applications developed independently then to link in with the CRM. It is also one of the elements that we will be workingRead… Read more »


AFGE, other labor unions file legal brief opposing DOMA The American Federation of Government Employees has joined a coalition of labor unions calling for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to be declared unconstitutional. AFGE signed on to an amicus brief opposing DOMA that was filed Nov. 3 with the U.S. Court of Appeals forRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Network Analysis for Income Inequality?

I’ve been thinking a lot about these two types of graphs at the moment. This first is a single chart that shows income growth for various segments of the US population broken down by wealth. This second is a group of graphs that talk about pageviews and visits to various websites on the internet. WhatRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

PM Podcast Episode 197: How to Avoid Project Portfolio Failure – Part 1

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: Many of you will remember Joel Fleiss ( from our past interviews with the PMI LA Book Club. We heard him review one of Patric Lencioni’s books. But Joel is more than just a book reviewer, he is a senior project manager and project management consultant inRead… Read more »