Search Results for: research

Exploring Social Security: Part II

This is the second post on social security. Today, we’ll explore if the program will exist down the road. (Spoiler Alert) We will have social security until 2033, even if Congress does absolutely nothing. (Quite frankly, it seems quite plausible that nothing will be done for 21 years). While it’s difficult to project exactly whenRead… Read more »

DARPA Opens up for Plan X Proposers’ Day Workshop

On the 27th of September, 2012, DARPA will be holding a one day workshop “in support of the anticipated Broad Agency Announcement for the Plan X.” This workshop will be held in Arlington, VA and offer unclassified and classified sessions. Here is a description of Plan X: “The objective of the Plan X program isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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BYOD @ EEOC: case study featured in official WH guidance

Below is the full text of the EEOC’s case study, part of the official White House guidance on BYOD issued earlier today government-wide as part of the Administration’s new Digital Government Strategy. Also see: “Should feds get reimbursed for BYOD?” “BYOD Pilot: Five Lessons Learned” “BYOD and Beyond” U.S. Equal EmploymentRead… Read more »


This is an inspiring time to be walking the halls of Code for America’s headquarters in San Francisco. Part of this inspiration comes from watching the enthusiastic response communities are having to the applications Fellows are deploying. For example, at the recent launch of, an application developed in partnership with the City of Austin,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

U.S. Drones Policy: Strategic Frameworks and Measuring Effects Conclusion

This post is the conclusion to my write-up on the American Security Project‘s U.S. Drones Policy: Strategic Frameworks and Measuring Effects, which I introduced and delved into yesterday. The event was moderated by Joshua Foust, Fellow for Asymmetric Operations at ASP and columnist for PBS and The Atlantic Monthly. The panel of speakers consisted ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

An AIDS Free Generation — How one Sammies Finalist is making it happen

In the 1980s, an AIDS diagnosis was considered a death sentence. Even more troubling was the number of children who contracted the disease from their mother. But thanks in part to the work of Dr. Lynne Mofenson, future generations won’t have to worry about being born with HIV or AIDS. She pioneered a clinical trialRead… Read more »

Presidential Innovation Fellows Announced

Today, Federal CTO Todd Park formally launched the Presidential Innovation Fellows program. Over the next few weeks, the Fellows will be blogging more in-depth about their program here on GovLoop, and working to share their best practices and tell their story how they are working to transform government. The Presidential Innovation Fellows program has fiveRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Manipulating Blogs and the Internet

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Are blogs the journalistic scumbags of the internet? I just finished reading (for the second time) Ryan Holiday’s “Trust Me, I’m Lying—Confessions of a Media Manipulator.” Holiday heaps tons of slime on both blogs and the mainstream media. The premise of the book is something he refers to as “trading up the chain;” convinceRead… Read more »

U.S. Drones Policy: Strategic Frameworks and Measuring Effects Introduction

On Monday, August 20, I had the pleasure of attending the American Security Project‘s event on U.S. Drones Policy: Strategic Frameworks and Measuring Effects. I say that it was a pleasure because, unlike most discussions on drone policy, this one was based on facts and empirical data rather than politics and speculation. The event wasRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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A day in the life

I’ve always worked in very traditional environments where there were either thinkers or do’ers. The do’ers were on the front line and did and the thinkers were behind them, researching, reading, discussing and then issuing strategies and directions which would then be cascaded down to the do’ers. My current role is a wee bit differentRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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