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Feds OK first FedRAMP firm, Congress trims the spy budget and more

By RyanKamauff Happy back to work day folks! Here are the top cyber stories of the day. Naval Reactor Program needed to consider more options for business system – a recent OIG report found that The Naval Reactors Program failed to report spending of more than $10 million or adequately consider commercial off-the-shelf solutions whenRead… Read more »

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Strong governance yields savings for federal CIOs

CIOs in both the private and public sector are under the gun to do more with less. Agency CIOs, especially, must reduce costs, as directed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in August 2011. The OMB, for its part, expected agency heads to submit budgets that cut at least 5 percent from thisRead… Read more »

My Infosec Wish for 2013: A Balanced Cyberwarfare Debate

By AdamElkus I can already hear the chuckling. “Cyber warfare? Balanced? And I’d like partisanship in Washington to end, a double date with Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson, and some fries with that!” Yes, my desire is utopian, but the fact that I would have to qualify it with a self-deprecating remark suggests the distanceRead… Read more »

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Filed under: Tech

CTOvision Big Data Reporting for 2012: CTOs want discipline in the language of sensemaking

By BobGourley This special report provides insights from a our reporting over the last 12 months, including summaries of our Government Big Data Newsletter (sign up for this weekly report here Among the many Big Data themes we reported on in 2012, one seemed to resonate the most with our readers– all of usRead… Read more »

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Classifying Today’s “Big Data Innovators”

By Daniel Abadi Editor’s note: The piece below by Daniel Abadi first appeared on the Hadapt blog and is republished with permission here. The framework presented provides insight into the very dynamic market around “Big Data Innovators” and should be of use for classifying many other firms in this interesting space. –bg Recently InformationWeek publishedRead… Read more »

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CTOvision Analytics Reporting for 2012: The year of the enterprise tool suite for analytics

By BobGourley This special report provides insights from a our reporting over the last 12 months, including summaries of our Weekly Analytical Tools Newsletter. Be sure to sign up for this report by visiting As a writing team we have close ties to the analytical missions of the national security space (our publisher, BobRead… Read more »

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Play 8: Work Only on What is Important

For executives that haven’t been naughty I love to read. I’ve skipped school to finish Shogun, read the covers off of The Belgariad, and waited in line for Harry Potter. These days with a wife, three kids and a busy schedule I often find books stacking up on my nightstand, my office, and in theRead… Read more »

The E-Government Act Has It’s 10th Birthday – Looking Back, Looking Forward

This was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. This week, several events and stories have marked 10 years since the E-Government Act was signed into law on Dec 17, 2012. Looking back, the statute shows what can come from a bipartisan, bicameral process around achieving aRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned for Government Innovators in 2012

Throughout the month of December, GovLoop has been reviewing the year in government technology – everything from BYOD to social media, I’ve been working to highlight some case studies, best practices and try and condense the year down into one post, while looking forward to the year 2013. Follow along here by viewing GovLoop’s YearRead… Read more »

How good have government agencies in Australia become at social record keeping?

An interesting study has come across my desk from Rebecca Stoks, who is working on a Master of Information Management at Victoria University in New Zealand. She sought in the report to answer the following question: Recordkeeping is essential to the democratic process, but how can governments maintain public records when they are being createdRead… Read more »

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