Search Results for: cio

Weekly Round-up – November 04, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This past Monday, I led a Webinar for GSA on the basics of government use of Facebook and Twitter. This week, I saw quite a few articles on how and why government agencies are using social media (or how they could use it better) and how to measure their effectiveness with those tools.Read… Read more »

Using Open Data to drive good policy outcomes – Vancouver’s Rental Database

One of the best signs for open data is when governments are starting to grasp its potential to achieve policy objectives. Rather than just being about compliance, it is seen as a tool that can support the growth and management of a jurisdiction. This why I was excited to see Vision Vancouver (in which I’mRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

First Stop Saying First

First came “Cloud First” in the 25 Point Implementation Plan To Reform Federal IT Management (9 December 2010). Then came “Sharing First” and “Future First” in the “vision for information technology” (25 October 2011). According to Federal Times (31 October 2011), there are many more ‘firsts’ to come– with a “set of principles like ‘XMLRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Myths and realities of cloud security

Whenever the topic of cloud computing comes up, cloud security isn’t far behind. Survey after survey has shown it to be a top CIO concern, but how much of that concern is legitimate? CTOvision’s Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP separated myth from reality on cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Business to Information Technology translation

Past week was rather busy as I relocated my office; another case of changing the tires while the car is moving. It did give me time to continue to ponder how to translate business into enterprise architecture and then I.T. designs. The idea I came up with was integrating various proven models and methods intoRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover: IT Department Edition?

How does your IT department look from an outside perspective, maybe even your CIO’s perspective? Check out this insightful post from Centurylink’s own Blake Wetzel. It really asks the big questions that all of us should be exploring! Originally posted in the ThinkGig Blog. We’ve all had those moments: A time when we take aRead… Read more »

A girl walks into a shop….

In the midst of a meeting with one of our sections yesterday I had an interesting conversation. The meeting consisted of some people who work with service users. I wont tell you which one, it’s not relevant and it’s not fair. But in this meeting there were two very digitally literate people and two notRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


I’ve Got the OODA Blues

To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, military theorist John Boyd can’t get no respect. The latest attack on the Loopy One, published in Armed Forces Journal, again mischaracterizes the OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide Act) Loop: This notion that there are specific knowable causes that are linked to corresponding effects dominates military thinking and manifests in our drive to gatherRead… Read more »

Agency Customer Service Plans

Back in April, President Obama issued an executive order directing agencies to step up their efforts to improve customer service. Whatever happened? The Executive Order gave agencies until the last week of October to provide their plans to the Office of Management and Budget, and last week the plans were delivered and posted on OMB’sRead… Read more »

Judging Complete for 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The Judges for the 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award have reported back and results have been tabulated. Judges had to choose from a diverse and large set of nominees in 2011, and we can only assume that the list will grow for 2012. It was great working with an all start team of professionalsRead… Read more »