Search Results for: research

Mars Curiosity – Over Budget, Big Success?

This crops up all the time. What’s the definition of a ‘failed project’? Look at Mars Curiosity. The program was initially budgeted at around $1.5B and came in at $2.5B for development and launch. Sure, some people question that expense, but for the most part I think they just don’t ‘get it’ on the importanceRead… Read more »

Review of “Guarding the Social Gates,” by the Altimeter Group

A virus that lives in only one kind of medium will not be terrifically successful. The most dangerous–and thus successful–viruses can live in their host, where they replicate their own code, but also in media like air, water, and even other hosts in which they cannot replicate, but can hitch a ride from one idealRead… Read more »

Big Money for Big Data

Big Data is the data too large, complex, and fast-moving for conventional information infrastructure to handle. There’s been a lot of buzz about investment in cutting edge Big Data solutions and start ups, and for good reason. Venture capital for Big Data is sizable and growing. In 2010, Big Data start ups already received $1.53Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Is Bitcoin the new speculative market, Judge orders peace in Apple/Sammy trial and more

The MERL DiamondTouch Table was multi-touch fun for the whole family Here are today’s top tech news stories. Bitcoin, the underground currency of the Internet, is experiencing speculative growth – there have been a few things pushing up the value of the Bitcoin, including a drug purchasing version of eBay. There are now “High YieldRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

DARPA Awards Contract for Humanoid Robots, How to Hack the Curiosity Mars Rover, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: A U.S. federal appeals court found that authorities do not need a probable-cause warrant to track suspects through their mobile phone GPS. More here. A new bill, the Wireless Surveillance Act of 2012, has been proposed, however, that would apply home search standards to cell phoneRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

GSA says no raise in per diem travel rates – 7 DorobekINSIDER stories you need to know

SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 15th of August, 2012 The General Services Administration has frozen per diem travel rates. For fiscal year 2014, the standard rate will stand at $77 a day for lodging and $46 a day for meals and incidental expenses. Federal Times says the higher rates will stillRead… Read more »

Becoming a successful corporate rebel and the for former feds – Ex-Federal

On today’s program How do you change an organization? Some might say you need to be a rebel. We’ll talk to a former CIA official about how you are a successful rebel. Click here for the full recap. Ex-Federal — It’s like the match dot com site for former feds who are looking to goRead… Read more »

A 21-Year-Old Healthcare Startup Accelerator Founder From Stanford Shares Her Four Big Lessons Learned

Deanna Pogorelc (Cleveland, OH) — Last summer, when regenerative medicine company Stem Cell Theranostics went through the StartX accelerator program at Stanford University along with one other biotech company, the team members realized that many aspects of their experience were much different than those of the other companies. For example, they weren’t moving as quicklyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Secret sauce to program management success and the Facebook effect on the election

On today’s program Do vague requirements cause programs to fail? Click here for the full recap. And in the DorobekINSIDER water-cooler fodder: What does a VP nomination do to your number of Facebook followers. Sequestration — yes, again A trade association representing major defense contractors is projecting mass layoffs of air traffic controllers and closingsRead… Read more »

Go (South by South)West, Gov 2.0!

As in prior years,South by Southwest (SXSW, or just SX for initiates) is crowdsourcing their panel selection, and as in prior years, there is a host of Gov 2.0-related offerings. Of the 3,123 proposals this year, 82 have been tagged as “Government or Citizen Engagement.” Those tagged include presentations on law, coding, public participation, openRead… Read more »