Search Results for: cio

Houston plans new trip-planning app

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (TX) announced plans to release a smart-phone application by the end of the year. Houston TRIP, which stands for transit route information and planner, will allow METRO customers to find bus stops, schedules, and eventually next-bus arrivals. “There are a lot of other transit properties that have similarRead… Read more »

The “Big Five” IT trends of the next half decade: Mobile, social, cloud, consumerization, and big data

Editor’s Note: The highly regarded enterprise IT thought leader Dion Hinchcliffe has produced yet another “must read” piece for enterprise technologists titled “The “Big Five” IT trends of the next half decade: Mobile, social, cloud, consumerization, and big data.” This is classic Dion, with compelling logic, great context, and a tremendous graphic that helps putRead… Read more »

Reflecting on the Social Media Forum #DCCSMF

Last Friday was the Social Media Forum#DCCSMF. It was very well attended with over 70 people from across the council and partner organisations. It went very well, a few technical and timing issues but nothing major. Everyone wants more but better next time…so an interesting challenge. Even the Head of our Press Office attended andRead… Read more »

Why Government Should Not Go Lean

Just after I posted “Business Process Management As If People Mattered: Adaptive Case Management” the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review downloaded to my Color Nook. This was a special issue devoted to talent management and so I flipped through it pretty quickly until I came across “Lean Knowledge Work” (Staats and Upton, OctoberRead… Read more »

Search and Navigation: Taxonomy Usage

Started reviewing my notes from deep dives I conducted at SharePoint 2011 conference last week. As I focused on the data I continue to brainstorm about revising the SharePoint ISV Partner Ecosystem Taxonomy. While the current framework matches the SharePoint 2010 Wheel, the categorizations distort the core capabilities of many of the ISVs. The Framework’sRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Eight Humor Styles in Action: Building Stress Resiliency with Interactive Humor – Part I & II

After my essay on the 9/11 Anniversary, I decided to make room for my basic Yin-Yang nature: here is an article on eight styles of humor. (The 9/11 essay, “Ten Years After: A Personal Remembrance of Sep 11th – Strategies for Grieving, Surviving and Evolving: ( The early-mid 20th century pioneering film-maker, artist and comedienne,Read… Read more »

SharePoint benefits for End-users

SharePoint Saturday L.A. interview courtesy of Christian Buckley of Axceler a few months back Original post

New IARPA Program Aims To Discover Tech Trends

The Intelligence Community’s Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) office of “incisive analysis” has been evaluating plans, projects and proposals submitted in response to a broad solicitation of inputs on a very interesting construct. They have embarked on a new, smarter way of gleaning technology trends. We first learned publicly of this activity in 2010 whenRead… Read more »


As the largest union representing federal and D.C. government workers, we stand in solidarity with the men and women participating in the Occupy Wall Street campaign. Americans across the country are fed up with a political and economic system that continues to benefit global AFGE made its presence felt at the “Jobs, Not Cuts” rallyRead… Read more »