Search Results for: research

Is the Australian Government really slow to update staff to modern web browsers?

One of the concerns I faced when working in government, and that I know many other people faced as well, was the currency of the web browser(s) available for use by staff. Some agencies still used Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, a ten year old browser that isn’t supported by many major websites and online servicesRead… Read more »

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Government Big Data Solutions Award 2012

As a reader of you are aware of the interesting situation we face with data today: The amount of data being created is growing faster than humans can analyze, but fast analysis over data can help humanity solve some very tough challenges. This fact is moving the globe towards new “Big Data” solutions. GovernmentRead… Read more »

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CfA Kicks Off Accelerator for Civic Startups

The Code for America Accelerator kicked off its inaugural program this week and welcomed seven civic startups from across the country for a whirlwind week filled with mentor advising, speaker sessions, networking events, and work. Joining us at our San Francisco office and via Skype were some of the biggest thinkers in government and technology.Read… Read more »

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Social Sentiment and Engagement Signals, at Oct 30 SF Symposium

I have released the speaker line-up for the fifth Sentiment Analysis Symposium, slated for October 30, 2012 in San Francisco. The symposium will feature speakers and panelists from leading firms (including Dow Jones, IBM, Infosys, J.D. Power, Thomson Reuters, and Toluna), start-ups, and academia. We’ll also, once again, have a solution-provider exhibit area for demosRead… Read more »

Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap

GovLoop Guide to Technology Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing What are 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing? From The Sunlight Foundation 33 Tips for Open Data Policies Data Driven Decisions Are You Using the Right Data Digital Gov Infographic Timeline of the Digital Gov Strategy // // Tweet // The GovLoopRead… Read more »

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Michael Sampson, User Adoption and the Formula for Success

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. As ‘user adoption’ is becoming a better-known aspect of IT implementations one thought leader in particular stands out. And one of the things we at Tri Tuns love about Michael Sampsonis his distinct ability to distill the complexities of user adoption into an easily understood and digested reasonedRead… Read more »

Government Reform: An International Snapshot of Progress on Performance Management (Part 1)

The World Bank held a series of seminars this past Spring on the state of the international public sector performance and results movement over the past two decades. I came away more encouraged than I had expected regarding advances in several developing nations – with implications for the more developed countries. The World Bank heldRead… Read more »

Cross Platform vulnerabilities aiding attackers, Big Data Analytics are key for security practices and more

Microsoft’s Security team examined the problems with cross-platform vulnerabilities ISF urges business to use Big Data Analytics for security purposes – in a recent ISF study, they had six key findings as well a large number of recommendations. “The key recommendation is for organizations to exploit their existing data analytics capabilities, to identify security areasRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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What Recruiters Want: Their Top 10 Tips for Job Seekers

ClearanceJobs recently asked recruiters to send in their top tips for cleared job seekers. From resumes and interviews to career networking, here was their best advice: 1. Mind your resumeYou need a flawless resume. It’s hard to believe in this day and age of technology that I still see resumes with misspellings, formatting issues, andRead… Read more »

What Do Zig Ziglar, Harvey Mackay, and Dale Carnegie Have In Common – And How Can It Help YOU?

Zig , Harvey, and Dale contributed significantly to my professional development. How? By telling stories to show the benefit of doing something a certain way. Ziglar would talk about ‘the Redhead’ and ‘Yazoo’, Mississippi while weaving his lessons about listening and giving value. Mackay would wrap his storytelling around applying the laws of human natureRead… Read more »