Search Results for: cio

5 Ways to Assess Training Results

It is relatively easy to test information learned in a classroom or from a book. That information or new knowledge can be remembered in the short term, but can it be applied in a practical sense? Information retained in the short term is fine for education; for starters, it connects the dots elsewhere in theRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 28 September 2011

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Betagov blues.. « Digital by Default Outside of Hercules House ‘digital by default’ seems a long, long way away and requires making compromises in order just to get some momentum. Small wins are achievable (and you can bet we celebrate each one!) but getting anything largerRead… Read more »

GovExpert: David M. Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. This week’s GovExpert is David Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Finance and Administration. (see full bio below) Questions: On everyone’s mind lately is the current economic crisis, which has created tighter belts across the board for all levelsRead… Read more »

Enterprise Linguistics Revised

Had a quick email discussion thread with peers and friends last night, It brought to mind a presentation I did for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in the 80s, “Enterprise Linguistics –A factor in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)”. It was one of my first official speaking engagements as an IBM Employee. IRead… Read more »

The Geopolitics of the Open Government Partnership: the beginning of Open vs. Closed

There hasn’t been a ton of press about the Open Government Partnership (OGP). This is hardly surprising. The press likes to talk about corruption and bad government, people getting together to talk about actually address these things in far less sexy. But even where good coverage exists analysts and journalists are, I think, misunderstanding theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech



Higher premiums, fewer options await FEHBP enrollees Health care premiums under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program will increase an average of 3.8 percent in January – a significant hike for federal employees and retirees who are enduring frozen wages and cost-of-living adjustments, American Federation of Government Employees National President John Gage said today. ThisRead… Read more »

Is a law degree really worth it? I know that there are Penelope Trunk lovers and haters. To me, she is a writer that states her opinions, and sometimes in inflammatory ways that get people riled up. The article she recently wrote for CNN (link above) though really caught me: in my undergrad, my business law professor told me that IRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

The Role of the Facilitator in Building and Sustaining Communities of Practice

[This is cross-posted from Communities & Collaboration blog] I had the honour of being invited to present at the XIII Seminari Compartim L’e-moderador i altres nous agents de coneixement a les organitzacions on 21st September 2011 (Ministry of Justice, Spain). This post is a brief preamble to my presentation. Background My experience of knowledge sharingRead… Read more » Cybersecurity Summit on Wednesday, September 28‘s Cybersecurity Summit is almost here, and the entire CTOvision team will be there to engage with the community and capture key elements of the event. The purpose of this one-day conference is to advance the field of cybersecurity by bringing together key thought leaders from the community to work on an action-oriented agenda. ParticipantsRead… Read more »

The Database Society and You

There is much commentary right now about Facebook, social networking, and the meaning for the enterprise technologist. All of the tumult over Facebook’s new features (frictionless sharing, the timeline, etc) inspired me to dig out an old post I had written for Huffington Post on what I called the “database society:” The dominant metaphor ofRead… Read more »