Search Results for: Employee Recognition

DOD’s brave new world – Plus the 7 Gov Stories You Need to Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Measuring the success of a virtual internship program can be tricky, and metrics matter quite a bit in government. So how do you create metrics for a virtual internship program? Insights from the Virtual Internship Program at the State Department. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoopRead… Read more »

Digital Era Success: 5 Building Blocks

Summary: The main building blocks for Digital Era success are leadership, governance, digital competencies, education and training, and change management. Each requires a unique set of considerations that differ from traditional success factors, and in some cases are unprecedented. Many Industrial Era mental models, processes and cultural values are not transferable to or effective inRead… Read more »

Millenials, Lego, and the Perimeter of Ignorance

Every time I read an article about Gen Y or Millenials I run it through this litmus test: throughout the text, can you replace “Millenial” with “employee” with no loss of meaning? “[Employees] want meaningful work, they want to do things that are making an impact and if they’re not in a good environment whereRead… Read more »

Shark Tank: HHS Edition

Last week, thirteen teams of government entrepreneurs made pitches in a “shark tank” environment to continue funding for their innovation programs through a new initiative at the Department of Health and Humans Services (HHS) called HHS Ignite. The HHS Ignite program “[c]atalyzes early-stage project ideas that can be completed within very compressed time frames. TeamsRead… Read more »

Join Me for the 2nd Annual Pubic Service 5K – Sunday, May 4, 2014

As you know, Public Service Recognition Week is May 4-7, 2014. For the 2nd year, there will be a 5K run/walk to honor public servants like you and me. Public employees can register at a discounted rate of $20 (includes a t-shirt) and can donate directly to FEEA. Join me in walking/running for a goodRead… Read more »

3 things the President should say in the SOTU – Plus Dorobek’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to findRead… Read more »

Creating a Culture of Helping

How can leaders inspire employees to help their colleagues? The leader of the design firm IDEO, Tim Brown, set out to create a help-friendly organization in order to spur greater creativity. Collaboration is key to effective organizations. But how can leaders encourage helping behaviors among employees? A recent Harvard Business Review article by Teresa Amabile,Read… Read more »

Gov sheds 80,000 jobs – Can you still do more with less?

“The federal government shed 2,000 jobs in December, ending 2013 with a net loss of 79,000 positions, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total federal workforce — including military personnel and USPS employees — sits around 4.3 million. But that number is expected to shrink in the next fewRead… Read more »

Multi-Generational Workforce Leadership Challenges

Like any new year, the start of 2014 brings a number of challenges for business leaders. Today, we’re faced with healthcare issues, climate change and its impact on our workforce, and an improving, but not yet robust economy. We also have, for the first time in our history, the opportunity to lead, manage and learnRead… Read more »

Fed Pay Freeze Thaws But Challenges Remain in Fight for Fairness

Here’s some good news for the federal family to start the New Year: at long last, the 3-year pay freeze has started to thaw! For the first time in over 36 months – or more than 1,000 days — hard-working and loyal federal employees will receive a scant 1% pay raise in Fiscal Year 2014.Read… Read more »