Search Results for: Cloud

Technology Lessens the Burden of the Federal Retirement Tsunami

Originally posted on TechSource by Dan Klanderman We’ve seen it coming for years, and in fact, planned on this disruption to the federal workforce. Yet, the federal retirement tsunami is still causing a disturbance in federal agencies, as a large population of federal employees reach retirement age concurrently. Nearly 9,000 retirement claims were filed inRead… Read more »

Can tech really help you engage? Insights from the Knight Foundation

Two years ago the Knight Foundation launched their Tech for Engagement Initiative. The idea was simple, they wanted to answer the question, can technology accelerate the capacity of citizens within a community to engage in their civic life in an easier and more effective way? The question seems fairly straightforward. But as the Knight Foundation’sRead… Read more »

Make Your Application Stand Out: Old Dominion University’s Procurement Certification Program

If “government procurement” at first glance doesn’t strike you as the most alluring field, maybe you should take a second look. In procurement, you essentially are paid to spend large amounts of other people’s money, not a bad deal, huh? This field requires both technical expertise and the savvy to make important financial decisions forRead… Read more »

Are You Really Hiring the Best? It’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Plus your Weekend Reads

Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead.Read… Read more »

Join us at GovCon 2012

By RyanKamauff This 3 for one conference is a great opportunity to learn how to accelerate your agency The Cloud & Virtualization, Cybersecurity and Mobile Government Conferences provide government technology professionals with vast opportunities to learn and experience the latest cloud, cyber and mobile solutions. Help your agency’s transition to the cloud, leverage mobile applicationsRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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What’s the effective lifespan of a link shared via social media?

When you share a link on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or other social media channels, how long will it continue to receive attention? I’ve just been told about a study that (a leading URL shortening service) did on this topic a year ago. The study, You just shared a link. How long will people payRead… Read more »

GIS in Action

In the era of doing more with less, GIS technology has emerged as a way to reduce costs, improve decision-making, and increase communication between teammates, and the public. To showcase some of the great ways agencies are using GIS, Esri and GovLoop put together a series of videos that you can view below. In theseRead… Read more »

Why Collaboration Between Government & Industry Still Matters? – Part 2

Ingrained into the fabric of the ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference is a focus on timely issues. ELC provides not a technical, but a management spotlight on the agenda for the coming year. In our earliest days in Charlottesville, the key issue was procurement reform – and the ELC dialogue resulted in improvements to the FederalRead… Read more »

Saving lives through collaboration and crowdsourcing — Labor Panel Part 3

Black Lung: it’s a common condition miners contract after years of working miles below the earth’s surface. The government set up a program to help, it’s called the Black Lung Grantee Program. But there was a problem — the miners weren’t interested in participating. So the Grantee Program got to work on a solution. TheyRead… Read more »

OhMyGov(ies) And The Hatch Act – To Live Tweet, Or Not To Live Tweet

The Hatch Act of 1939, officially An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is the official guidance for civil servants of the executive branch on engaging in partisan political activity. More than seventy years after it was enacted, the blurred lines between professional and private lives, compounded by the development of social media, complicates theRead… Read more »