Search Results for: research

Tech at the Tip of the Spear

United States Special Operations Command has requested a Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation base budget of $427 million for Fiscal Year 2013 to prepare for the challenges of future conflict and to maintain SOCOM’s role a world leading fighting force. In their own words, ”USSOCOM is always interested in new ideas and evolving technologies generatedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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5 Tips on Organzing a Hackathon

Veronica Ludwig, Chicago IdeaHack organizer and Brigade leader, reveals her five tips for executing an effective civic hackathon. For the past six years I’ve been organizing fundraisers, networking events, unconferences and hackathons. We started the IdeaHack with the Chicago CfA Fellows for Code Across America. The Chicago IdeaHack is an event that brings together leadersRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Canadians speak out on the future of government eServices

I just came across an excellent new research report from PWC. It has a rather long name “Next Generation of eservices – CitizenCompass – Enhancing service delivery in the Canadian public sector“, however it’s quite informative nonetheless. Essentially its purpose was to ask Canadians how they are interacting with government now, and how they wouldRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Proposal Mastery: Affecting Proposal Outcomes through Content and Leadership

What separates outstanding proposal managers from mediocre ones is the ability to lead their teams in developing winning content on top of running a smooth process. No matter how compliant and attractive the document may be, most often it is the substance that will distinguish a winning proposal from the rest. Many proposal managers relyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Weekly Round-up: July 06, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good Things Come in Pairs: One blog post called “Two Reasons Why Municipalities Need a Citizen Engagement Program,” and two sites with social media tools for federal agencies: HHS’s Center for New Media, and a Digital Engagement Guide. But you can break them into thirds. Actually, here’s a third: How to Write theRead… Read more »

If citizens can help explore galaxies, unfold proteins, track birds and transcribe texts, why can’t they help analyse government data?

One area of Gov 2.0 I really think hasn’t been thoroughly considered or adopted by many governments, including in Australia, is the process of having citizens help in the creation, exploration and analysis of data. Is it due to a lack of time, money, imagination or courage? I don’t know, but I would dearly loveRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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If you are away from your cell phone… Awesome South African Online Ad

Was doing some research for a story I am writing over at TechPresident which had me visiting the site of Mxit, a social network built largely for mobile phones and used by urban youths in South Africa. Check out the landing page for the site (note the red circle): So, where I grew up “NeverRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

If citizens can help explore galaxies, unfold proteins, track birds and transcribe texts, why can’t they help analyse government data?

One area of Gov 2.0 I really think hasn’t been thoroughly considered or adopted by many governments, including in Australia, is the process of having citizens help in the creation, exploration and analysis of data. Is it due to a lack of time, money, imagination or courage? I don’t know, but I would dearly loveRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Illegal Software Export to China, More Efficient Robots, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: A federal investigation showed that illegal software exports helped China develop its first attack helicopter. More here. Of the 2,189 federal and state wiretaps last year, only 12 were on encrypted communications, none of which interfered with the intercept. More here. The Defense Advanced Research ProjectsRead… Read more »

Get Out Your Pitchforks and Clean Up That Content

The recently-released federal Digital Government Strategy lays out many promising initiatives that will, no doubt, improve the technology and infrastructure behind online services and, thus, enhance customer experience. Many talented people worked hard to develop this Strategy, and they will continue to work hard on its implementation. But we still don’t have a clear planRead… Read more »