Search Results for: Cloud

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government

Today, GovLoop is announcing the release of our latest report, Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government. The GovLoop report focuses on best practices, case studies and identifies innovative uses of GIS technology in government. Also, be sure to visit the guide landing page for upcoming posts, and quick access to many GIS resources thatRead… Read more »

Top 15 Tech Blogs On Twitter: Follow these to stay up on today’s tech trends

By BobGourley What makes a great tech blog? It takes great staff, an actionable vision, and timely/accurate reporting. How do you know which tech blogs have found that magic blend? The great tech blogs have a history of delivering high quality reporting. They have proven past performance in bringing insights to their readers. We assembledRead… Read more »

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Ajay Budhraja Keynote at E-Gov Conference

Keynote at the E-Gov Conference. Discussed technology trends. The Federal government has been moving to the Cloud and leadership will focus more on the Business services development since traditional technology IT services will be encapsulated in the Cloud. There will be greater emphasis on the delivery of multiple services as composite services and the metricsRead… Read more »

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Digital Government: The Third Platform

The launch of the Government Digital Strategy earlier this year has spurred great discussion around the power of new technologies in government. Thom Rubel, VP of Research at IDC Government Insights, recently launched a YouTube Tech Talk, Government and the Third Platform, which addresses several of the opportunities that have arisen from technology innovation. InRead… Read more »

United We Ride — Streamlining Transportation with Inter-Agency Collaboration

Did you know that the federal government funds more than 80 programs that gives transportation assistance to low income families, seniors, children and people with disabilities? That’s a lot of programs for the public to navigate and the government to keep track of. In 2004, President Bush signed an Executive Order to address the problem.Read… Read more »

De-mystifying Big Data

Big Data it’s one of those terms that means different things to different people. Some people view big data as an analytical cost saver and some see it as the data equivalent of an episode of Hoarders. For BethAnn Pepoli, CTO for State & Local and Education, EMC, big data means: Big Data is aRead… Read more »

The Oracle Federal Forum

By RyanKamauff We just received details on the 6th Annual Oracle Federal Forum, Wednesday, 14 November 2012. It will be held at the Wardman Park Marriott, 2660 Woodley Road NW. Located right above the Woodley Park Metro, and with valet parking, it is an easy destination. At this conference expect to hear from; “Government speakers,Read… Read more »

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Affordable Accountability

At the end of July voters in the Atlanta region sent an clear message when 63 percent voted against the city’s tax-to-fund transportation proposal (in Georgia these measures are called SPLOST – Special Purpose Local Sales Option, this transportation specific instance is called T-SPLOST). I was particularly concerned about the vote for a few reasons:Read… Read more »

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TechAmerica Foundation’s Big Data Commission Publishes Comprehensive Guide to Best Practices for Big Data for Governments

By BobGourley The TechAmerica Foundation is a non-profit (501c3), non-partisan resource and voice for the US technology industry. They have a tremendous reputation for encouraging industry-wide collaboration and for disseminating concepts, ideas and well researched policy proposals on topics such as US competitiveness in a global economy, innovation in the nation and in government, andRead… Read more »

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