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Five Things Federal Agency Leaders Can Do in Times of Budget Uncertainty

With a national election looming on the horizon and terms like “fiscal cliff” and “sequestration” being thrown around by policymakers, pundits, and the media, it’s hard to ignore the fact that we’re currently experiencing a period of great uncertainty surrounding the federal budget. Federal leaders are no doubt worried about what might happen, and wonderRead… Read more »

4 Biggest Challenges Facing RFP-EZ – Part 2

Last week we launched our series asking what you would do if you were in charge of RFP-EZ. You can listen to Part 1 here. The post includes insights from RFP-EZ fellow Clay Johnson, former OFPP Administrator Allan Burman and former senior procurement official David Drabkin. Just a quick reminder: Project RFP-EZ is one ofRead… Read more »

DoD says DON’T plan on sequestration cuts – DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are constantly hearing about how the polarization in Congress is making it impossible for anything to get accomplished. Are there any issues that can be not only agreed upon by our officials but also acted upon and implemented? The NAPA and the ASPA came together on this very question andRead… Read more »

IdeaFactory – Does crowdsourcing ideas work? Take a look at TSA’s program – Part 2

We’ve probably all seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The movie showcases imagination, creativity and the freedom to try new things and experiment. That’s the same idea as the TSA’s IdeaFactory. The 5-year-old program was one of the first true government 2.0 technologies. Megan Kenny is the Acting Program Manager for the Office of TrainingRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce: What Improvements Can We Make Now?

We are constantly hearing about how the polarization in Congress is making it impossible for anything to get accomplished. Are there any issues that can be not only agreed upon by our officials but also acted upon and implemented? The National Academy of Public Administration and the American Society for Public Administration came together onRead… Read more »

Google Passes MSFT in Valuation, More iPhone 5 issues and more

By RyanKamauff Everyone’s favorite search engine is starting to really make some money Here are today’s top news and stories. Google’s (GOOG) stock price has been steadily growing for the past 3 months. Their current market cap is $248B, second only to Apple. Google’s Android is the leading mobile operating system for all smartphones, andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Can collaboration help you do your job better? — Part 1

The Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment hosted a webcast, Policy Development Think Tank Webcast: New Strategies for Successful Collaboration, as part of the ePolicyWorks initiative. DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek hosted the panel. The panelists outlined their perspectives on the use of new and innovative open government strategies for policy developments. On the Panel: GB: GadiRead… Read more »

New Zealand Launches a User-Centered Government Website

Sick of going to one government bureaucracy for a service only to get passed along to another and yet another? Wonder why government doesn’t communicate across agencies to provide a centralized service to you? Jared Gulian and his colleagues at the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs are planning a solution for New Zealand. They’veRead… Read more »

20% Discount Code for Hadoop World NYC 23 Oct 2012

By BobGourley This year Hadoop World has joined forces with Strata Conference to seek new community-wide synergies to accelerate Big Data solutions. This will be the best of Big Data conferences. CTOvision is a media partner for this event which means we can offer all our readers a discount code. Register for the event andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized