Search Results for: cio

Click Here to Uninstall, Government – #gov20

Can we change the way we *do* Government? Bill Eggers and Devon Halley write for Governing on What Geeks can Teach Government. Great article and continues the great work from Eggers, Halley and Deloitte. The idea for “Beta Government” has been kicked around before and I would love to see the idea flushed out aRead… Read more »

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Department of Veterans Affairs publishes updated social media policy

The Department of Veterans Administration has recently published an updated social media policy (VA Directive 6515 – Use of Web-Based Collaboration Technologies). Prior to this release the Government Accountability Office has published a report for Congress titled “Federal Agencies Need Policies and Procedures for Managing and Protecting Information They Access and Disseminate” – highlighting thatRead… Read more »


President Gage was featured on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” on August 16. NP Gage discussed how the debt ceiling deal and the Super Committee could affect the federal workforce. Other topics included job elimination, pay and hiring freezes, and other reductions in benefits. You can click here to view President Gage’s feature. Filed under: Federal Agencies,Read… Read more »


President Gage was featured on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” on August 16. NP Gage discussed how the debt ceiling deal and the Super Committee could affect the federal workforce. Other topics included job elimination, pay and hiring freezes, and other reductions in benefits. You can click here to view President Gage’s feature. Filed under: Federal Agencies,Read… Read more »

Kundra’s “Reflections on Public Service”

Outgoing Federal CIO Vivek Kundra had an impressive legacy advancing the open government movement both at the national and local levels. He ended his tenure as U.S. Chief Technology Officer last Friday, and will be transitioning to a teaching position at Harvard University. Today, he posted a thoughtful piece, reflecting on his time in publicRead… Read more »

Guest Post: Sustainability is Important, but the Action is in Adaptation

Guest Post: Edward R. Saltzberg, PhD President ERS Advisors Whether or not you believe that Green House Gas emissions and other manmade environmental insults are the root cause of a rapidly changing climate, it is hard to argue with the evidence of change. The NASA temperature chart in the accompanying chart is just oneRead… Read more »

Training To Prevent Cyber Attack

“No one felt safe from anyone anymore. Many more millions died as brother turned against brother in the War Against Terror, and countries turned within, no longer wanting anything to do with the rest of the world; their world was enough. Then the terrorists exacted their revenge and used the Internet, the one link someRead… Read more »


Council of Prison Locals Demands Bureau of Prisons Increase Staffing Levels WASHINGTON—The Council of Prison Locals (CPL) of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is saddened and outraged to learn that a female staff worker in the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) was sexually assaulted by an inmate during her work shift. The incidentRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Oyster Burger. Enough said.

It would have been easy to blog about the Conservative British Government’s appalling choice to muse openly about shutting down social media sites or deny access to certain users in response to the riots… but enough people have commented on how colossally dumb this is (not to mention hypocritical given that only last year BritainRead… Read more »