Search Results for: research

CFR 2013-2014 International Affairs Fellowship in Nuclear Security, sponsored by the Stanton Foundation

The International Affairs Fellowship in Nuclear Security (IAF-NS), sponsored by the Stanton Foundation, offers university-based scholars valuable hands-on experience in the nuclear security policymaking field and places selected fellows in U.S. government positions or international organizations for a period of twelve months to work with practitioners. The IAF-NS closes the gap between research and practiceRead… Read more »

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CFR 2013-2014 International Affairs Fellowship in South Korea, sponsored by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies

In 2010, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) launched the International Affairs Fellowship in South Korea (IAF-SK), sponsored by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. The program seeks to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the rising generations of leaders in the United States and South Korea by expanding cultural exchange and enhancing communication betweenRead… Read more »

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CFR 2013-2014 International Affairs Fellowship in Japan, sponsored by Hitachi, Ltd.

Founded in 1997, the International Affairs Fellowship in Japan (IAF-J), sponsored by Hitachi, Ltd., seeks to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the rising generations of leaders in the United States and Japan. The program provides a selected group of mid-career U.S. citizens the opportunity to expand their professional horizons by spending a period ofRead… Read more »

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In Review: 2012 Games for Health Conference

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to attend my first Games for Health conference. Yes, you heard right – a conference about the impact of playing games to improve health and well being. A serious win-win situation! If you’re interested in what went on – you’d be able to catch a glimpse through theRead… Read more »

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A Drone App Store, the Department of Defense Mobile Strategy, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity will fund research into how the brain connects concepts in order to build better analysis tools. More here. The Department of Defense’s Acquisition, Technology and Logistics directorate is looking to create an Unmanned Aerial Systems ”app store” for mission-specific capabilities.Read… Read more »

GovBytes: Start-ups and Local Government, a Match Made in Heaven?

As I’ve come to realize, government and industry play an important role in supporting each other. There are many emerging technologies — see graphene — which without government investment in commercializing the technology, may never make it out of the research labs. Government Chief Information, Innovation, and Technology Officers have come to realize this, asRead… Read more »

Father’s Day Gift – Keeping your kids safe with Mobile Social

Happy Father’s Day. Now back to being a Father. As a Father, I am frequently amazed at the number of unknown and undiscovered dangers that are out there on the internet for our kids. Mobile Social meaning mobile social media, gaming, and apps that enable social networking from a mobile device is the newest danger.Read… Read more »

Google Plus Is Quietly Making Gains

When I was talking Jack into blogging, I said, “I touch 200,000 people twice a week.” He said, “How do you know?” I said, “I counted.” A month later, he told me a post had gone to a quarter of a million people. I said, “That’s nice.” I wasn’t going to take the bait. HeRead… Read more »

Prime Minister starting to leverage the influence of bloggers

Refreshments at #pmtea Photo by @clementine_ford Last Friday Prime Minister Gillard sat down with a group of influential female bloggers, online women’s forum managers and journalists in, what I hope, is the start of an active engagement with online influencers by the Australian Government. As a blogger I have been on the receiving end ofRead… Read more »

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National Training Program 2012 — Helping a FEW Kids

Federally Employed Women (FEW), in conjunction with its 43rd National Training Program (NTP), has selected The Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation as its year long outreach project. The Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation supports the health and wellness of children across Michigan, focusing on the charitable programs of Children’s Hospital of Michigan. For 125 years,Read… Read more »