Search Results for: Cloud

Supporting Women in the Federal Workforce: FEW Represents the Many

Recently in the news, there has been a significant amount of buzz around the importance of women in the upcoming election. With many women’s issues hotly debated between candidates at the federal, state, and local level, women have been highlighted as a key voting block to influence election outcomes this November. Long before the mediaRead… Read more »

CTOvision Readers Eligible for 20% Discount at Hadoop World 2012 23-25 Oct in NYC

This year Hadoop World has joined forces with Strata Conference to seek new community-wide synergies to accelerate Big Data solutions. This will be the best of Big Data conferences. CTOvision is a media partner for this event which means we can offer all our readers a discount code. Register for the event and enter theRead… Read more »

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Just like sports — government websites should be accessible to everyone

“The Paralympics just wrapped up in London, world coverage of the 2nd biggest multinational event has highlighted how sport should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their disability, but what about the accessibility of websites?” asked Jack Oldham. Jack Oldham is the Marketing Coordinator at Siteimprove. Oldham told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program whyRead… Read more »

Check out this IDC blog

Check out this IDC blog on the benefits of the cloud for education and government organizations:

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Filed under: Tech

The State of Government Social Media

On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »

Extreme Makeover – Government Management Edition

We’ve all seen those Extremem Makeover shows on TV, right? Well many management experts are suggesting that the government needs an extreme makeover of its own. But Bill Bott, a contributor for Governing, says agency leaders should be cautious to jump on the latest management fad. Bott told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

Agile Document Development: Part 1 of 2: What is Agile?

The point of these posts: Agile methodologies used by software (and web) developers can be adapted to provide similar value to the rest of us. Not just for techies any more! Introduction This is a two part post. If you already know all about waterfall and agile development methodologies, feel free to skip this andRead… Read more »

SAMMIES Finalist Innovating New Communication Paths for Classified Materials

Currently in the United States, there is more attention than ever on the safety and security of our Diplomatic Corps working around the world. Especially when working in politically unstable countries, our diplomats have the added challenge of rapidly responding to the changing circumstances in their environments. For Shane Morris, Supervisor of the Diplomatic CourierRead… Read more »

Political Convention Innovation: An Interview With Microsoft’s Director Of Campaigns & Elections

Earlier this month the 2012 Presidential Election went into high gear with the Republican and Democratic National Conventions taking place in Tampa, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, respectively. Though not a delegate or party member, Microsoft was a major force at both conventions, providing critical technologies and services that support and enhance the democratic process.Read… Read more »

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Why the Latest and Greatest is Important – Software, Maintenance and Enhancements

Next week, I’ll be attending the OnBase Training & Technology Conference (OTTC). During my time in government, I went to many users’ conferences, mostly out of self-defense. I viewed these events as a chance to lobby for the enhancements and improvements I needed for my department. Unfortunately, the process for discussing these needs was oftenRead… Read more »

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