Search Results for: Cloud

Sammies 2012: Honoring the Innovative Work of the Public Sector

Most of you don’t know me personally or work with me on a daily basis, but if you did, you would know the Service to America Medals hold a very special place in my heart. Often lauded as the Oscars for federal employees, the Sammies highlight the best and the brightest in government. They highlightRead… Read more »

Two Fun Big Data Videos Every Techie Should Watch

With this post I would like to introduce two videos I recommend any enterprise technologist watch. Both are from the website at The first is actually very NON-technical. It is a short, cute (with rainbows and butterflies) cartoon that talks in small words about some key use cases most businesses are experiencing today, andRead… Read more »

Want Real-Time Economic Data? Census Launches An App for That

Did you know that 50% of the Census Bureau is dedicated to economic data? So it makes sense that if you wanted realtime, accurate economic data, data that could help you do your job better, you would go to the Census Bureau. Now they’ve created an app to make getting and understanding that data easier.Read… Read more »

Can you talk to the business in business terms?

I wrote last week on the importance of running your IT organization like a business and what I got back was that I had fallen into the classic trap of providing advice on what to do, but no insight into how to do it. This week I’m going to try to fix that by talkingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

2013 Tech — TechAmerica previews sequestration’s impact, contractor cuts and more

The word sequestration sends shivers up the spines of government employees and contractors alike. But the threat of sequestration isn’t the only issue taking shape for the tech community this year and next. Trey Hodgkins is the Vice President of TechAmerica’s Global Public Sector Advocacy. He sat down with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER programRead… Read more »

Skills Gap? Why unemployment remains high despite available jobs

12.5 million Americans are currently unemployed. But there are also a record number of jobs that need to be filled. What’s the disconnect? Bill Eggers is the Director of Public Sector Research for Deloitte. He’s compiled a new report that looks at the problem, “Brawn from Brains, Talent Policy and the Future of American Competitiveness.”Read… Read more »

Federal Success — NIH scientist fights back against bone marrow failures

Bone marrow — most of us don’t fully understand what it is, let alone why it fails. But Dr. Neal Young does. He is the world’s leading expert in the field of bone marrow failure. His groundbreaking research at the National Institute for Health has led to life-saving treatments for a rare and deadly bloodRead… Read more »

How to give and receive feedback — it’s not as easy as you think

The dreaded 360 degree review — it’s the one time of year many of you get feedback from your leaders. But maybe that’s the problem? “It shouldn’t be a once or twice a year event,” said Tom Fox, “you need to give feedback in real time so that employees can actually alter their behavior.” FoxRead… Read more »

Federal Technology Experts to Follow on Twitter

CTOvision was once again named one of the top sources for government technology news and analysis. Fed Tech Magazine just published it’s list of “46 Federal Technology Experts to Follow on Twitter” which it later updated to include a 47th member, features CTOvision’s Twitter account, which you can follow for our CTO feed for theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Mobile phone privacy — who cares? Reasons why 88% of you should

Why focus on mobile government? Well, here’s a pretty amazing number for you — 88 percent of American adults own a mobile phone. But there are real privacy concerns. A new report by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that more than half of those people have uninstalled or avoided certain appsRead… Read more »