Search Results for: cio

Open Source Data Journalism – Happening now at Buzz Data

(there is a section on this topic focused on governments below) A hint of how social data could change journalism Anyone who’s heard me speak in the last 6 months knows I’m excited about BuzzData. This week, while still in limited access beta, the site is showing hints its potential – and it still hasRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

How to Move From the Government to Government Contracting

{Originally published at, a Deltek network.} Though federal government positions are reputed to be more stable, their growth is slow due to cost-cutting measures. Contractor employment, however, is expected to grow. In just one example, the number of IT security personnel on the federal payroll is expected to increase to 61,000 by 2015, manyRead… Read more »

Transparent government

I have read three blog posts in the last few days which together strike me as indicators of a welcome trend. The first two were both from the new Government Digital Service blog, the first from Mike Bracken on his first few weeks in government as Director of Digital. It’s a very upbeat assessment, butRead… Read more »

Using SharePoint to enable ITIL: Consequences of unmanaged services

Since technology appears simple to operation the assumption is that it’s simple to build and manage. What isn’t seen by end-users today is all the complexity behind a product or service. The consequences of operationally mature, technically naïve stakeholders and end-users are having to justify investments in information technology. While it’s not unreasonable to askRead… Read more »

Using SharePoint to enable ITIL: Consequences of unmanaged services

Since technology appears simple to operation the assumption is that it’s simple to build and manage. What isn’t seen by end-users today is all the complexity behind a product or service. The consequences of operationally mature, technically naïve stakeholders and end-users are having to justify investments in information technology. While it’s not unreasonable to askRead… Read more »

Children are the best teachers…

One of the many joys of having young children is that they can teach you so much – how to enjoy simple moments, how to express yourself through dance and how to skip along to just about anything. One of the most interesting areas my children teach me most in is about how human behaviourRead… Read more »

Social Networking & Information Architecture reading list

Some real useful books on Social Networking, Information Architecture and Marketing I’ve read the past few weeks and recommend: Clout the art and Science of Influential Web Content, Colleen Jones Letting go of the works, Janice Redish Content Strategy for the Web, Kristina Halvorson On my stack to read next week: The Web Content Strategist’sRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

How Dirty is Your Data? Greenpeace Wants the Cloud to be Greener

My friends over at Greenpeace recently published an interesting report entitled “How dirty is your data? A Look at the Energy Choices That Power Cloud Computing.” For those who think that cloud computing is an environmentally friendly business, let’s just say… it’s not without its problems. What’s most interesting is the huge opportunity the cloudRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Reboot from the MN shutdown: Important RFP and big changes to state IT and procurement

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The history If you read my previous blogs (here, and here ), you already know that Minnesota has been through the ringer with its government shutdown. In fact, the 20-day stoppage was the longest in U.S. history. The standoff ended on July 20, 2011, when the governor finally signedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


The Government Man – Where You Sit is Where You Stand – Part Two

Here is another tale from Confessions of a Government Man about what can happen when people insist on doing things exactly by the book (“Where you sit is where you stand.”). Remember, while these stories I have been posting are based on real events, I am passing them along for their entertainment value. * *Read… Read more »