Search Results for: research

Flame Cyber Espionage, U.S. Military Chip Backdoor, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Kapersky Labs has uncovered a massive cyber espionage campaign using malware called Flame to collect private data in countries including Iran, Israel, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. More here. Researchers in the UK found a backdoor planted in an American military-grade chip that allowsRead… Read more »

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Innovation and Robotics: The Uncanny Valley of Death

The Jetsons premiered almost 50 years ago, but where’s Rosey? Science fiction has been predicting the rise of robotics in daily life for decades and, for the most part, science fact has delivered, with ever-improving artificial intelligence driven by faster processors, and continued advancements in mechanical engineering allow machines to perform increasingly complex physical functions.Read… Read more »

Just the Facts Ma’am on Women in the 21st Century Workplace – Where Do They Really Stand? The Facts will Surprise You!

My latest book entitled “How to Succeed in a Testosterone World without Losing Estrogen,” has been receiving a lot of buzz and is now also available as a textbook because a good portion of it is dedicated to providing information from the latest research highlighting the unresolved issues in equality for women in the workplaceRead… Read more »

GovCamp Canberra – one week away!

GovCamp Canberra looks like it will be a fantastic event (I’ll confirm afterwards as I’m attending). If you’ve not registered to attend, it’s probably too late to be there in person – though if you’re on the waiting list you may get a spot at short notice if anyone pulls out. However GovCamp will beRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Seven REAL Ways You Can Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job

I read this post yesterday that included an infographic from Online Colleges discussing some of the ways in which you can use social media to find your next job or internship. It even included five tips to help you “stand out from the crowd.” Unfortunately, rather than highlighting some of ways in which people haveRead… Read more »

Back to the Frontier and Expansive Growth?

When I think of the frontier, I picture Westward-Ho wagon trains with settlers and supplies, or prospectors in the gold fields of California. However, the domestic frontier has been ‘closed’ for about a century. The frontier offered an environment of unlimited opportunity, participants with a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds, and plenty of raw materialsRead… Read more »

June 7: Effectively Applying Mobile Technologies to the World Bank’s Development Planning

Via the MobileActive listserve: “Join Us!Effectively Applying Mobile Technologies to the World Bank’s Development Planning Thursday, June 7, 201211:30 am – 12:30pm ESTOnline Webinar Using mobile technologies to achieve development goals (M4D) could present a tremendous opportunity to rapidly meet development objectives, including promoting transparency, supporting skill development, increasing access to health care and education,Read… Read more »

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Filed under: Uncategorized

The Future is NAO

NAO: A humanoid programmable robot with a mind of its own. This little robot (57 cm) may have big plans to walk into the life of every human being. Created by Aldebaran Robotics with the launch of Project NAO in 2004, this robot has slowly been gaining popularity in the technological world. Academic systems haveRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Context on hBase

HBase is an open source data base with some very special features you should take note of. This post provides some context of hBase. Most of this information was gleaned from the great reference material at, which has become the go-to site for learning about Big Data approaches, especially capabilities related to Apache Hadoop.Read… Read more »

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Filed under: Uncategorized

Market Connections and AOL Government Study Shows that Feds See Great Potential in Mobility but Warn of Inadequate Investment

Market Connections and AOL Government just released a report that shows how federal managers see a significant potential for mobile technologies to improve productivity and saving taxpayer dollars. However, respondents to the study expressed concerns that current investments are inadequate to achieve much of that potential. The findings were based on an extensive survey commissionedRead… Read more »