Search Results for: cio

Tackling Big Data on Police Use of Force

According to a review recently put out by the the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) was faced with a riddle. In recent years, violent crime and assaults on officers have been declining, training has been adapted to focus more on deescalating conflicts and avoiding physical confrontations, the department procured andRead… Read more »

Turning GovLoop up to 11

Yesterday, Steve Ressler and Andrew Krzmarzick invited me and fellow GovLooper Joshua Joseph in the GL HQ on 15th. We ate baguette, drank coffee, and talked about why people (like you!) should spend your time and energy here. It was a good conversation that ended up focusing on these questions: How is GovLoop different thanRead… Read more »

Invincea and Triumfant: two firms filling important roles in enterprise IT

With this post I want to provide a quick update on two firms I know and advise: Triumfant and Invincea. Both have been mentioned by me on this site before and if you are a security professional I bet you have already spent time learning about them. Both firms are making a positive difference inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

The Kansas KLISS : Reinventing participative e-democracy, one Cloud at a time

Although there is lots of social media activity around government, technically speaking it’s currently more just ‘Gov 1.5′ rather than ‘Gov 2.0′. This is because while there is more interaction online, via blogs and twitter et al, the core processes themselves are still entirely decentralized, in terms of the decision-making model that determines who actuallyRead… Read more »

Level 5 Self-Organizing Open Government

The purpose of a Maturity Model is to provide a ‘target’ for business transformation projects to aim for. In short measure where you are currently, identify where you need to be, plan a route to get there. Therefore the ultimate goal of an Open Government transformation exercise is to attain a Level 5 ranking, inRead… Read more »

Cloud experts respond to Call for Open Government in Canada

On June 21st Ontario Ombudsman André Marin called on the government of Ontario to embrace the worldwide trend toward open government, noting that many of his investigations of government organizations revealed a lack of transparency and accountability to Ontarians. On June 22nd we held our first webinar, Open Government Canada, that introduced how the trendRead… Read more »

Open Government in Toronto

Toronto is another city pioneering Open Government. They operate a 311 portal with an accompanying Twitter service channel, as part of their Open Government initiative to improve Civic Engagement. To support this they also offer their Open Data initiative, a project discussed in more detail in the white paper ‘Open Data, Open City‘ from theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech – Let’s expand to New York!

In their Digital City plan New York also identifies the need for improving the RFP process. As part of their program to grow the Entrepreneur and Developer Community New York identified the following top 5 wish list from private sector technology entrepreneurs: 1. Engineering Talent 2. Broadband Connectivity 3. Real-time API of NYC Data andRead… Read more »

WBS Coach Now Available In Spanish!

After many requests for the WBS Coach book to be translated into Spanish and a long effort to make it happen, it is finally available! Ángel Águeda has translated the book and helped me to enhance it for Spanish-speaking project managers around the world. It has been a fun experience, and I am anxious toRead… Read more »